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“Uh-uh. I’m not sure I believe you.”

She glanced at me suspiciously right up until we each paid, then said, “Before I forget, have you confirmed with Kate that you’re coming to the event?”

“I haven’t gotten to that yet, but I’ll send her an email.”

“I have access to the guest list since I know some of the guests. I’ll put you on it. It’s going to be great, even though it’s going to be tiring for me. I’ll have to mingle a lot.”

But mingling didn’t last the entire night. After everyone had a few cocktails on board, it was pointless anyway. They wouldn’t remember the conversation the next day. The venue where the gala was taking place was surrounded by a large garden. I could take Val out for a stroll after she was done mingling, maybe share a glass of wine in private, get to know her better. Get a taste of those lush lips too.

I’d been fantasizing about tasting them since this morning. I’d barely kept my thoughts in line, which was a definite first. I’d always been able to keep a clear head at work. But I kept reverting to that view of her cleavage. If I sucked on a nipple, would she roll her hips against me? How responsive would she be to my touch?

She took her overlarge phone out of her bag, setting it on the table.

“Let’s see, here is the guest list.” She pulled up a spreadsheet. It had four columns. Name, Plus one, Email, Phone Number.

/> My imagination had been spiraling out, but it came to a screeching halt when I saw there was a name in the Plus One column next to Val’s name. She was going to the event with someone. Was it just a date, or did she have a boyfriend?

I was fighting to clear my thoughts as Val asked, “Are you bringing a plus one?”


“Can I have your last name, email, and phone number?”

“Sloane.” I rattled off the other information, trying to digest my disappointment.

“All done.”

I rose first from my chair, then held out hers. She glanced up in surprise.

“I take manners seriously.”


“Thank you for keeping me company, Val.”

I couldn’t help myself and leaned in closer than was polite when she rose. The little sigh of surprise she let out was delicious.

Chapter Five


Friday dinners were a religion in the Connor family. I liked to call it regrouping time. No matter how shitty or exhausting a week, these few hours I spent surrounded by my siblings filled me with energy. I liked knowing what everyone was up to.

While I was cooking, Ethan called. I’d deleted him from my contacts list, and when I saw a random number calling, I answered thinking it could be related to the charity event.

“Hey, Val.”

I straightened as if someone had electrocuted me. “Ethan. Why are you calling?”

“Listen, I know we’ve had our differences—”

“You were cheating,” I said through gritted teeth, leaning against the counter.

“We never said we were exclusive.”

I blinked repeatedly as my insides twisted. It was true, he’d never specifically said we would be exclusive, but I’d always thought it was implied anyway. How could I have been so gullible? God, I was a moron... always dreaming, always hoping. Being cheated on stung like hell.

“What do you want?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance