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When April went to bring her favorite scarf from the foyer, with Peyton trailing after her, I kept my eyes trained on Val. She caught me looking and blushed, but I didn’t take my eyes off her. Even though I was sitting in the opposite corner of the room, the sexual tension filling the air was palpable. Eventually Val focused on rearranging some outfits on the bed. I loved it when she wouldn’t even look at me because she was afraid that if she did, she wouldn’t be able to resist me.

I left the room shortly after the girls returned, partly because I couldn’t stand being so close to Val and not touching her or imagining how our life would look if she was permanently part of it, and partly because the activity was too girly for me. By the time I finished drafting the third document, it was ten o’clock. I pressed the heels of my palms against my eyes, which had started to hurt. I’d just opened up a document with some statutes I wanted to brush up on when Val joined me in my home office.

She came next to me and leaned against the desk.

“How are the girls?”

“They fell asleep in April’s bed. We had so much fun. April has great taste in fashion. And we discovered we have the same shoe size, which means I might lend her shoes at some point.”

I glared at her.


“Every pair of shoes I’ve seen on you is inappropriate.”

“What? You loved them.”

“On you. Not my teenage niece.”

“Double standard much?”

I let out a low growl. Val grinned.

“You know what, you had me all convinced that you’re this laid-back uncle... but you’re not. I’m going to switch teams. The other team needs me more.”

“I see.”

“I love that you keep their parents’ memory alive,” she said unexpectedly.

“I don’t want the girls to forget them, Peyton especially. She was a baby when they passed away, and I think that mentioning little facts now and then makes the girls feel as if they knew their mom and dad without making them sad. They miss them.”

“And you miss your sister.”

“I do. In the beginning it was honestly a little painful to look at April, because she looks so much like Hannah. I hope my sister is happy with the way I’m raising her girls.”

“I have no doubt that she is.” She watched me with warm eyes. “How did it happen?”

“They went skiing and were caught in an avalanche. It was an excruciating time, especially while the search went on. We were all hoping they’d make it out, and then.... It was tough.”

“I can imagine.”

“I have no idea how I kept it together.”

“You’re a strong man, Carter.”

“My parents were devastated. Especially Dad.”

“How is he? I think you mentioned he had hip surgery.”

“Just spoke to Mom today. His recovery is slow. It’s a good thing she’s there with him, even though the girls miss her.”

Val glanced at my laptop. “Are you done with that?”

In response, I shut it off, then immediately pulled Val into my lap.

“Thanks for coming here today.”

“My pleasure. Though I think I’ve given April shopping ideas that are dangerous for your credit card. Maybe I should have warned you before that I’m known for giving dangerous shopping ideas. My sisters keep telling me so.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance