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“You’d make a great pair.”

Oh my God, he was. I laughed at his brazen attitude but wasn’t surprised. Davis was known for doing things his way and not caring one bit about business protocol.

We shook hands as we stood up, and I glanced at the screen of my smartphone before slipping it into my purse.

Carter: Meet me inside the restaurant after you’re done.

I lifted my gaze just enough to see Carter rise from his chair and leave the terrace, heading into the building.

After bidding Davis goodbye, I followed Carter inside. My heart was thundering in my chest, as if I was about to do something illicit.

Even though it was pleasantly cool inside, the restaurant was empty, since all patrons had chosen to eat on the terrace. I felt Carter’s presence before even noticing him. I knew he was watching me before I turned on my heels and spotted him in the far corner, in a nook of sorts. He smiled at me, and I swear, I felt a zing everywhere on my skin. I headed right to him, attempting to sound stern.

“You can’t do this.”


“Distract me like this during business hours.”

He lifted one corner of his mouth. “You were having lunch.”

“A business lunch.”

“Come here.”

Before I could even reply, he tugged me by the waist, bringing me close. His mouth came down on mine the next second. He licked my lower lip before biting it slightly. I felt the touch straight on the tips of my breasts and pressed myself against him as he deepened the kiss.

“We’re in a restaurant,” I whispered afterward. “Did you forget your manners?”

“You make me forget even my damn name, Val.” He spoke against my lips, twirling strands of hair between his fingers. “I wasn’t joking when I said I missed you.”

“So that was why you were sending me hot texts during my business meal? Because you missed me?”

“Wasn’t the only reason. Wanted

to remind you that I wasn’t far away, in case old Davis was too charming.”

“Don’t worry. He was just complimenting my business skills.”

“You’re going to work together?”

“Looks like it. He was even talking about the possibility of an exclusive line.”

“That’s great, babe. I’m happy for you. Will you be working directly with him?”

“No, he mentioned that he’s grooming his grandson to take over.” On a chuckle, I added, “I think he’s hoping we’ll hit it off. Said we’d make a good pair.”

Carter’s smile fell. His jaw tightened, and he looked at me strangely, then cast his gaze away.

“And what about you?” he asked eventually.

I was confused.

“What about me?”

“Are you hoping you’ll hit it off?”

“Well, I certainly hope he’ll be as impressed as his grandfather.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance