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I was getting real good at this work-life balance thing. I even had time to do the yoga routine I’d skipped in the morning... but I decided to go shopping instead.

As I sipped my coffee the next morning at Walter’s, my gaze was glued to my Kindle. I sat at the same table as yesterday, which had three empty seats around it. I was holding my Kindle for everyone to see, which I hoped would send busy vibes to everyone. Soon, I was lost in the pages, and wished I was drinking ice-cold water instead of a hot coffee. Okay, so maybe reading a sexy romance first thing in the morning was not the best idea, because now I was all hot and bothered. But I’d reached a really great part last night and couldn’t wait to pick it up again this morning.

“Is this chair free?”

I looked up to my left. Carter was standing next to me, his hand on the backrest of the chair in question.


“I just got a few minutes. My partner, Zachary, and I are meeting a new client this morning.”

He motioned to a guy in a suit who was standing in line. I made the mistake of laying my Kindle on the table. The movement caught Carter’s eye, and then his gaze locked on the tiny screen. Belatedly I remembered that I used an extra-large font and that I hadn’t turned off the device. I rectified my mistake the very next second. Carter was still standing, as if he’d forgotten what he was about to do.

“What are you reading?”

“Just a book.”

“I saw the word clitoris. It’s what caught my attention.”

“Of course it did,” I muttered, feeling my cheeks heat up. Ugh. One thing I loved about a Kindle was that no one could know what I was reading. Not that I was ashamed, but I’d never cared for the judgy looks my book covers had gotten. I was a huge fan of sexy guys on covers. The fewer clothes they had on, the better.

Carter finally sat down, looking at me as if this was the first time he’d seen me. “So, what’s the book about?”

“It’s a romance. A sexy romance.”

His lip curled in a half smile. “I got the sexy part, all right. So this is how you spend your mornings?”

“No, I usually read before going to sleep, but I’d gotten to a good part and couldn’t help myself.”

“I see. What other genres do you read?”

“You really want to talk about my reading habits?”

“Yes. I like talking to you. I find you to be a fascinating woman. This is an unexpected angle, that’s all.”

Unexpected angle. Uh-huh. I bet he thought I was some kind of nympho.

“I read almost everything, from thrillers to mysteries. Even the occasional horror. But romance is my favorite. Nothing like some sweetness and sexy times to make me happy. Dreaming about a swoon-worthy hero is a great way to pass the time.”

“Raises the bar for real-life dating, doesn’t it?”

“Not really. I know it’s a fantasy.”

Carter set one forearm on the table, watching me with an undecipherable frown. “Do you still have feelings for that Ethan guy?”

I blinked, completely taken by surprise. “Ethan? Not really. We’d only been dating for two months. It’s just that... well, I’m still a bit wary. I haven’t had the best luck in the dating world, so I’m taking it easy.” I shrugged, hoping he’d let it go. Of course he had other intentions.

“I happen to be just as unlucky.”

I squinted, because, well... that seemed unlikely.

“You don’t believe me?” He sounded amused.

“I can’t quite picture it, no.”

“Well, that’s the honest truth.”

He drew his chair nearer to mine, whispering again. “I’m looking for someone smart and with a sense of humor.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance