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“My sisters would agree with you.”

“Good to know. How many do you have?”


“Big family.”

“Also two brothers.”

“Cocky like you?”

“They try. Takes a special kind of talent to make it work.”

My entire body shook with laughter as I paid for the alarm.

“Thanks for your advice,” I said as we left the store. The sky had turned a dark orange. Sunset was approaching. “Can I buy you a taco? As a thank-you for helping me out?” I pointed to the taco truck on the other side of the street.


We ate side by side at one of the two high tables in front of the truck. The light breeze from earlier turned chilly, and I put on the lace cardigan I’d tucked in my tote that morning. Will slipped on his leather jacket. What a shame he covered all those muscles. I was conflicted. On the one hand, he looked mouthwatering with that jacket on, but without it, I could admire those biceps to my heart’s desire. His phone kept buzzing from one of his pockets.

“What’s with all the messages?”

“My sister is reminding me about some of my tasks for her wedding. Seems to think I’ll forget them if she doesn’t send reminders.”

“Does she have reason to believe that?”

“Not at all. I’m a very responsible older brother.”

I couldn’t imagine Will as anything but a cocky troublemaker, but maybe there was more to him than packs of muscles and a panty-melting smile.

“So, she’s just a regular bridezilla, then?”

“Nah, but she’s a wedding planner. Loves her checklists.” The warmth in his voice was a dead giveaway that he wasn’t really annoyed with her.

While we ate, Will kept looking around us. I knew that behavior. I called it the si

lent vigilante. It reminded me of how I felt every time I went somewhere with my dad. He’d retired from the Army years ago, but old habits died hard. He was constantly on the lookout. He always said, “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll keep you safe.” The ironic thing was, seeing him looking for danger everywhere had made me feel unsafe. I’d always been too consumed with worry that something could happen to him.

“Relax, Detective. You’re making me nervous, looking around for trouble.”

“Sorry, it’s habit.”

“Are you on duty now?”


“Then enjoy your time off. Go back to making me feel uncomfortable with your cockiness, not the broody forehead.”

Chapter Four


A look of pure incredulity passed over his face before morphing into a grin.

“So, tell me about the wedding,” I said.

“It’s in three weeks, and my entire family is in a frenzy.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance