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“Are you hoping it’s a boy or a girl?” I asked, running my hands through his hair.

Since his face and hair were the only places I could touch him without ruining the wedding outfit, I planned to take thorough advantage. I settled more comfortably between the armrest and the backrest.

“I don’t have a preference. I just want it to be healthy.” On a frown, he added, “Is all that physical work you do safe for both of you?”

Oh boy. We had nine long months ahead of us if he was already flexing his protective muscles. I loved that side of him, but I couldn’t own up to that. I had the good sense to keep that tidbit of information to myself. Besides, Elise and I had formalized our business partnership last month. We were already in talks with David Hooper about a future residential project he had in mind.

“Yes, yes it is. But if you want to make sure I relax, might I suggest date nights?”


Well, that was easy.

“Breakfast in bed?”

“Anything you want, Maddie.”

Now that was such a dangerous statement to make, really. He probably thought I’d exercise self-restraint or at least common decency in my requests. I planned on zero decency. He could forget restraint altogether.

He leaned in for another kiss. It was even fiercer than the first one. Hotter. Deeper.

I felt his hand skim up my thigh, and we both groaned when he reached the lacy frills of my panties.

Grace’s warning flew out of my mind, as did our time constraints. But a loud knock at the door brought both back into focus. We scrambled to our feet, trying not to look too guilty.

“Who do you think it is? I vote Grace,” I whispered.

Landon considered this for a few seconds. “Nah, I’m sure it’s Lori.”

It turned out to be Hailey. She was wearing a beautiful red silk dress, her hair hanging in waves on one side.

“You two are lucky I showed up here. You owe me for saving you from Lori and Grace.”

I barely managed to wave at Landon before she whisked me away.

My room erupted in cheers when Hailey and I entered. Val and Lori were grinning from ear to ear.

Grace gave me a sheepish smile. “Sorry, I had to tell them.”

“You had to, huh?”

Grace winked. “You try surviving a Connor ambush.”

They pulled me into a group hug, which lasted exactly ten seconds before Lori cried, “Time’s up. Her makeup needs retouching.”

Yep, hugs were timed too. The makeup artist, Sheila, was waiting in the same spot she’d applied my cosmetics first, next to the vanity in the corner of the room.

While she focused on my face, she interrogated the girls.

“None of you are married?” she asked. They answered in a chorus of “No.”

Sheila chuckled. “Wedding season is open now. Bet you’ll all follow in Maddie’s steps.”

I peeked open one eye, looked at the Connor girls and my sister.

“Well, it won’t be me,” Lori said. “I’ve got Milo to focus on. No place for another man.”

“That’s lousy logic,” Val said. I grinned, secretly agreeing with her.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance