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“How is she?”

He smiled. “Enjoying your M&M’s. Thanks for stopping by to visit her.”

I smiled back. “I thought I’d make myself useful. How did the meeting go?”


I feigned shock. “The cuff links failed you? Well, if it’s any consolation, they totally work on me. Both my knees are Jell-O, and it’s entirely their fault.”

They were sterling silver with some sort of black pattern in the center. And damn they were potent.

His smile widened, transforming his entire expression. “All their doing, huh? I don’t get any credit?”

“Maybe a tiny bit.”

In demonstration, I held my thumb and forefinger so close to each other they almost touched.

Landon set his hands at my side, trapping me. Our noses were in sniffing distance. Our mouths in kissing distance. And still he didn’t kiss me.

“You were saying about the meeting?” I prompted when the tension was so thick, I felt my nipples pebble.

“They weren’t happy to hear about Val. Not out of concern for her well-being, but because she wouldn’t be able to oversee the project herself. I offered to manage it myself until Val feels better. It’ll probably take a month to six weeks until she can resume her normal activities.”

“You’re not leaving next week anymore?”

I felt the change in him before he pulled away. His jaw went rigid.

“You sound disappointed.”

I had the social skills of a doorknob when I was surprised or nervous. “Of course I’m not disappointed. I’m happy you’re staying longer. You just took me by surprise. That’s a really nice thing you’re doing for your sister.” Nice was putting it mildly. I didn’t know anyone who’d do that. I looked at Landon with renewed admiration. “What did Val say?”

The corners of his lips twitched. “That I’m her hero. Then went on to question said heroism, wondering if she’s the only reason I’m staying.”

Does he mean what I think he means?

“What did you tell her?”

I rested my hands behind my back, flicking my thumbs against the counter.

“That those sounds you made last night might have swayed my decision too,” he said.

“You did not tell her that!”

Launching forward, I made to pinch his stomach, but he caught my wrist. I brought my other hand forward. Rookie mistake! He trapped that one too. Cuffing both my wrists in one hand, he brought them above my head, pinning them against the cabinet.

I sucked in a breath as Landon’s gaze settled on my lips. He skimmed his free hand under my top, slipped it under my bra. He drew his thumb languidly on the underside of my breast until my whole back arched. When he flicked the thumb over my nipple, I went up to my toes, desperate for his mouth. We kissed until we were both out of breath.

My kitchen had never seen such erotic action. I almost expected the legs of the wooden table to buckle under the weight of the sexual tension. My

legs certainly felt like they’d give way any moment.

He let go of my hands, cupping my face with both hands, thumbs resting on my cheeks, fingers splayed on my neck. He was holding me like I was precious to him. So much energy coursed through me that I couldn’t stay put. I kept fidgeting.

“I have one rule, Landon. You’re not allowed to make me fall in love with you.”

“You have nothing to worry about.” He swallowed, his Adam’s apple dipping low in his throat. “I don’t think I know how to do love anymore.”

“We’re safe, then.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance