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Val stopped in the act of rearranging her leg. “I’m all ears.”

“I could stick around for the next six weeks, get the project rolling, at least until your cast comes off. I know the business inside out. You’ve streamlined many processes, but I’m a fast learner. I think if we bring this offer to the table, it’ll swing things in your favor.”

Val looked too stunned to answer, which was saying something, because nothing stunned her into silence.

“Are you sure?” she asked finally. “Can you take so much time off?”

“I have an acting CEO. He’s gonna have to up his acting. And I won’t be taking time off anymore, just working remotely.”

Adam would give me hell, but I didn’t care. I’d thought about this nonstop since I realized Val’s deal would be slipping through her hands. I was needed here more than in San Jose.

“Landon, are you sure?”

“Yes. We can call Livingston right now and make the offer.”

She nodded vigorously, then winced. I whipped my phone out and dialed Livingston’s number, putting him on loudspeaker. The conversation lasted less than five minutes. He bought it hook, line, and sinker.

“I’d hug you right now, but I can’t,” Val said after the line went static. “Thank you, thank you, thank you. You’re my hero.”

She reached with her left arm to the cornucopia of sweets, taking a bag of M&M’s from its midst. Then she narrowed her eyes at me, as if she just realized something.

“Wait a minute. Is your heroic decision one hundred percent about me? Or does Maddie have something to do with it?”

I grinned, stealing some M&M’s. “Does it make me less of a hero if I answer yes to the second question?”

Val threw her head back, laughing, then winced, touching her ribs. “I knew it. Oh, Landon, what am I going to do with you?”

“I’m a grown man, munchkin. Don’t need your blessing.”

“Just as good. I’m not in the habit of dishing blessings. Kicks in the ass, on the other hand... I’ll start right away with those once my leg’s out of the cast.”

“Good to know.”

“I’d throw a pillow at you if I could move.” That was Val’s way of expressing her joy—and it had annoyed the hell out of me for as long as I could remember.

“I’d help you move, but can’t, since the pillow would be aimed at me. Conflict of interests and all that.”

“You big oaf. I’m so happy for you. I thought something was going on, but I didn’t want to raise my hopes up too much. Just... be careful, okay? You two still have separate lives at the end of the day.”

My smile fell. “I know.”

“Did you talk to Maddie about this? Does she know you’re staying longer?”

“No, but I’m meeting her after I leave here.”

“Last night, did you two—”

“I’m not discussing my sex life with you, sister.”

Val grinned like a Cheshire cat, holding up the M&M’s bag. “I’ll take that admission. She brought me these this morning. Had this glow about her, kept smiling. Now I know why. And you should go. You’ve gone above and

beyond your brotherly duty for today. Go have some fun.”

“You sure I can’t do anything else?”

“I’m sure. And Jace texted me to say he’ll be dropping by. I bet he’ll be here within ten minutes.”

I kissed Val’s forehead, then let myself out of the room. Knowing I was the reason for Maddie’s smile made me happy. My thoughts had drifted to her so often today that I phased out of the meeting a few times.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance