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“You said Maddie landscaped the yard in your office building too?”

“Yep. And it’s the best thing I ever did. Whenever I feel like my head will explode, I go for a walk there. It’s amazing.”

“These are big projects for a one-person company, even with the occasional workers,” I said. I stepped back from the edge of the porch because the wind had changed and the rain was pelting my face.

“She said she plans to hire a full-time team as soon as her sister finishes law school.”

Because she was paying the tuition fees, of course. That was why she was doing the job of several people. I wanted to take care of that woman, make sure she didn’t have a worry. And she wasn’t even mine. I was determined to change that.

Chapter Eleven


I spent my weekend pampering Grace, who’d been told by her doctor that she’d better stay indoors and rest a lot while taking flu medication. On Monday morning, I showed up at Val’s house with two workers in tow. I had taken one look at them and knew they were in for the very short-term only. I estimated they’d work for me for a week, at most, but I had already cast my net wide, and I was confident I’d find the right people soon.

“Ben, Derek, I’m going to give you a rundown of the project, and then tell you about what we’ll be working on today.” Even though tomorrow was the Fourth of July and we wouldn’t be working, I’d wanted them to start today so I could show them the ropes.

Ben smiled. “Sure. This is a great place.”

Derek was inspecting the ground cover. “Good thinking, covering this up, or we’d have a serious problem on our hands.”

After instructing them on their tasks, I set out to inspect if the storm over the weekend had done any damage. I also kept peeking at the house out of the corners of my eyes. There was no movement whatsoever, and when I entered to leave my backpack, there was no sign of Landon. I couldn’t help the twinge of disappointment. I’d gotten used to my daily dose of gorgeous-man appreciation. I’d especially counted on it to kick-sta

rt the week.

This was a suckier Monday than usual, and a girl had to do what she could to get through the day. Just to be completely sure he wasn’t around, I went to the backyard too. Nope. I’d missed my chance to see Landon out for his daily run. Maybe he’d come back later for his training with Milo.

It was for the best that Landon wasn’t here, I told myself. Was I attracted to him? Hell yes. Not only because he was sexier than any man I’d seen, but because I genuinely loved being around him. He made me laugh. I liked making him laugh. But he wasn’t the man for me for about a million reasons.

I concentrated on those as I started peeling away the tarp.

My line of work was usually unsexy, but unhitching wood spikes from a moderately dry earth made this Monday especially messy. By ten o’clock, I was pretty sure my boots were full of mud. Two hours later, I was convinced I’d find mud even in my teeth.

“Boss, we’re going on our lunch break,” Ben announced sometime later.

I stood up, stretching my neck. “What time is it?”

“Almost one o’clock. Wanna join us? My girl packed enough sandwiches to feed three of me.”

“No, thanks. Enjoy your lunch.”

“We’ll be just outside the front gate in my car,” Derek said.

After they left, I sighed, trying hard not to think that Landon and I had lunch at one o’clock on the dot every day since he’d arrived.

I’d just turned my back to the front gate when I heard it open. I knew without looking it was Landon. It was as if my body reacted to his mere presence. My heart began to hammer, my pulse quickened. I didn’t look up until he was right next to me. Wow. He was wearing a suit, and it fit him so well I could swear it was custom-made.

He held up a takeout bag. “Lunch?”

Drawing on every ounce of self-preservation skill, I took a step back. But not before I caught a whiff from the takeout bag.

“Are those burritos?”

“With extra cheese and guacamole, just the way you like it. You can’t say no.”

“Oh, but I can,” I teased, even though I couldn’t believe he’d bought burritos, that he’d paid such close attention to our conversation. “You’re not the boss of me.”

He gave me a smile so perfect, I could swear my underwear caught fire.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Connor Family Romance