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Alex scoots closer until he’s right in my face. “I don’t want you to regret last night.”

“Last night was spectacular. No place for regrets.”

I have the strangest feeling that Alex senses I’m having trouble separating physical sizzle from emotional connection.

“Tell me you gave her a piece of your mind about sending you that ring like that,” I say.

“I did. She apologized, said she didn’t know how to handle it.”

“How will you manage the situation from yesterday?”

“My manager and PR team will talk to the studio, and then they’ll draw up a plan.”

“Isn’t it weird, having other people decide so much for you?”

He laces his fingers on top of his head, looking out on the water. “It’s a relief most of the time. When I’m filming a project or promoting a movie, I don’t even have time to deal with stuff like that. I know it’s not neurosurgery or something, it’s not like what I do is vital. But I love my job. I love entertaining people.”

“Hey, I’m with you on this. I think arts are important. They feed the mind.”

“I like not having to decide on all the PR stuff. Anyway, the damage in this case was done years ago when I agreed to let the studio use my private life as a marketing tool. The studio will have the final say on how to handle this. They put a lot of money in both movies.”

“My head is spinning.”

“Mine too, trust me.”

I foresee many unpleasant days ahead of him. He needs some serious distraction, but all I come up with are sinfully sexy activities. Nope, not going there again, not even mentally. I’m happy we’re still on a friendly basis, that the awkwardness didn’t overshadow that. But even as I mull those thoughts over, I fear I can’t just be Alex’s friend.

“I’m going back out on a Jet Ski later today. What do you say? Time to take on that fear of deep water head-on?”


“What will it take to convince you to join me?” he asks.

“Aww, come on, you know my weakness. Muffins.”

He licks his lower lip, his eyes raking over my body. “I’d say I discovered a few more things that make you weak.”

Wait a minute... are sexy innuendos on the table? What kind of double-edged sword are these one-night-stand rules? How am I supposed to do this without letting on how much I want him again? Wait, does it mean he wants me again? I don’t want to let myself think that. It’s a fool’s hope, given the drama surrounding his love life. And maybe one night was enough for him. Why the teasing, then?

“Not the ones that make me weakest,” I reply. There. See what he does with that.

“Are you challenging me?”

“Something wrong with that?”

“You’re delicious.”

His eyes flash, and I wonder if he’s remembering that moment when I nearly toppled onto his face. Heat rises to my cheeks, so I turn to look out on the water, feeling like my entire face—even the roots of my hairs—are going to catch fire. I’m not even going to address the situation between my legs. I’ve passed the stage of fire there. It’s a billowing inferno.

I focus on the lake and the prospect of taking it on. And being on a Jet Ski isn’t the same thing as being in the water. I’ll be guessing how deep it is, but I won’t experience that dreadful feeling of not being able to touch the floor.

“I won’t let anything happen to you. Go out on the water with me.”

I startle because I hadn’t realized Alex had shifted right behind me. He rests a hand on my waist, warm and reassuring. If anyone else asked me, the answer would be a firm no. But Alex has seen me in some quite vulnerable moments already, and I can’t help but trust him. And really, this fear of mine is ridiculous.

“Okay. I’ll go.”


Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance