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“You’re not helping,” Summer admonishes him.

“She’s a family friend. Don’t make things awkward for her. Remember Caroline?”

My jaw ticks with annoyance. “Don’t judge me based on your mistakes.”

The two of us met Caroline during our orientation week in college. We had in common that we were all from San Francisco. One thing led to another, and we became fast friends. During holidays, she came by our house a few times, and she quickly became a family friend. She was particularly close to Pippa. Then she and Daniel started dating during our senior year. That wouldn’t have been bad, per se, but things didn’t work out. Afterward, she slowly pulled away from the family. She still attends weddings and major events, but isn’t as close as she used to be. What a pity, especially because I suspect Daniel still has feelings for Caroline. They aren’t unrequited, but it’s none of my business.

“Fair enough,” Daniel says.

“What are you all talking about?” Logan asks, joining us. He walks to the opposite side of the table, searching in the baby bag sitting on a chair.

“Just warning Blake off from Clara,” Daniel says nonchalantly.

Logan snaps his head up. “You‘re hazing him? But you’re always on his side. I want a front row seat at the show.” Instead of taking whatever he needs from the bag, he drops into one of the seats. Lovely. Now I’m being cornered by two of my brothers.

“No, Daniel is being mean,” Summer explains. “I am on Blake’s side.”

“You always are though,” Logan says. “Clara’s a family friend, Blake.”

“So was Nadine,” I remind him. “At least she was about to become one before you seduced her.”

Picking on my brother is an old habit, one I’ve honed all my life. I also look up to Logan, but that’s something I rarely say out loud. It feeds his ego, and it seriously doesn’t need any inflating.

“You’re not me,” Logan says.

“Obviously. I have better style.” On a grin, I add, “And better hair.”

“You have no faith,” Summer complains.

“I deal in facts, numbers, and patterns.” Logan grins back. “But I actually do have faith in you. Based on the latest patterns, you’re on your way to becoming an honest man.”

“Just to be sure, was that an insult or a compliment?”


Well, well, if today isn’t full of surprises. Logan’s on my side, Daniel’s still pissing me off. A movement in the background catches my eye. Clara’s crossing the room, carrying Silas and then handing him over to his mother. She looks good with a baby in her arms.

“You have it really bad for her,” Logan comments with a shit-eating grin, and I can’t contradict him.

Just then, my cousin Valentina steps in the center of the room, announcing loudly, “All right, time for Landon, Fred, and me to head out again.”

“Are you sure you can’t stay?” Mother asks. “All the rooms are full here, but there’s a small hotel about five minutes away.”

“Nah, sorry, Jenna. We have to head back out tonight.”

As everyone—including my trio of interrogators—shuffles through the room to say goodbye, I scan the crowd for Clara.

I find her near where the pile of presents was—now it’s just a pile of wrapping paper and cartons. She’s conversing with Landon and Valentina’s friend, Fred. At least she’s conversing, Fred is touching her. Her shoulder. Then her arm. Down her back. Then her shoulder again.

I have the sudden urge to punch the guy, and I’m not a violent person. Stalking forward, I place an arm around Clara’s shoulder when I reach them.

“I was just telling Clara she can come visit. I’ll happily give her a tour.”

Yeah, Fred really isn’t helping his case here. The urge to rearrange his face grows stronger. What the hell?

“I’ll let you know when I’m planning a trip,” Clara assures him. She smiles up at him, and her dimples are showing. I feel punched in the gut. I thought those sweet smiles of hers were just for me. But nope, apparently she goes around handing them out freely.

When Landon calls Fred, he takes off with a nod. I step back from Clara, surveying her.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance