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“But I also smell nice. That makes up for it, doesn’t it?”

He settles his hand at the small of my back, and even though he’s done it before, the gesture feels much more intimate after this morning. “You also taste great, Clara.”

This man and his dirty mouth should be outlawed. Or at the very least, he should only use unorthodox language when we’re alone. I open my mouth to suggest that but forget my words at the pure heat radiating off him. With a prickle of awareness, I realize he moved his hand from my lower back up to the back of my neck and his thumb is now pressing into my skin, gently and possessively at the same time. For a split second, it feels as if there is no one but the two of us in this room. How can he do that to me? Take over all my senses, my thoughts?

“And who is the lovely lady here? I don’t remember seeing you before.”

The voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I focus on its owner. The men in the extended Bennett clan are also the very definition of tall and handsome.

“Clara Abernathy.” I reach out my hand, which he shakes. “Family friend. And I think we’ve been introduced at Alice’s wedding.”

“Ah, could be. Sorry, I don’t remember. Weddings seem to be introduction marathons. I’m Landon Connor.” His eyes zero in on Blake’s hand, which is still at the back of my neck, rather possessively. Blake seems taller and larger somehow as he shakes his cousin’s hand. The two men exchange a long glance. It’s almost like a standoff. This is fascinating.

“See you around, Clara.”

“I cannot believe all the men in your family are this good-looking,” I tell Blake once Landon is out of earshot because I cannot pass up the opportunity. Blake sets his jaw. Jealous looks good on him. Hot. Still, I’m not heartless, so I elbow him lightly. “Relax. I was just messing with you. God, you’re intense.”

“You have no idea. Come on. Let’s introduce you to Valentina. No messing with me. Or else.”

Is it bad that I’m dying to find out what that “or else” entails? Sighing, I lick my lips.

“Stop licking your lips or I’ll forget we’re supposed to attend this party and lock us both in the bedroom.”

I inhale sharply, nodding, even though I’m so tempted to keep pushing him. This man has the strangest influence on me.

Valentina and Landon brought gifts too, and when I glance at the presents pile in one corner of the room, I can’t help giggling. I bought gifts for all of the kids, thinking that if only the birthday boy gets something new, the others will be jealous, or just plain sad. Judging by the size of the pile, I wasn’t the only one thinking along those lines.

It looks like Christmas has come early.

Jenna Bennett is next to the pile, sitting on the windowsill. Some of the other kids played with Will’s presents, unwrapping them before he got the chance.

“I’m going to help your mom wrap up the presents,” I inform Blake.

“You don’t have to do that. Will is going to rip up the paper anyway.”

“Exactly. He loves that part,” I exclaim, vividly remembering that, as a kid, unwrapping a present was half of the fun.

Winking at him, I take off, joining Jenna.

“I’m here to help.”

“Bless you. I wasn’t expecting so many gifts. It’s so good to see Landon and Valentina.”

I sit on the windowsill, following Jenna’s lead. She’s been smiling even more than usual since Landon and Valentina arrived.

“Their mother is your sister, right?”

Her smile falters. “Was. She and her husband died years ago.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

“Landon and Valentina were freshmen in college. They practically kept their family from falling apart, raised their siblings.”

I follow her gaze at the other end of the room, looking at the cousins in question with admiration.

“I didn’t have a chance to ask before, but how is it living with Blake?”

“He’s a great neighbor. And it was awfully generous of him to help me out.” I press my lips together, afraid that if I continue talking, I’ll give myself away. At any rate, I’m not going to share any spicy details with his mother, but better safe than sorry, so I keep my mouth shut.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance