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“I’m doing a very good job, whether you admit it or not. Getting a show up and running is teamwork. I’m trying my hardest.”

“Try harder.” As he passes me on the way to the door, the smell of cigarettes mixed with garlic on his breath almost gags me.


“Don’t you dare crap out. Come on!” I exclaim the next morning

My coffee machine makes a loud, shrill noise, and then muddy water spills out of every crevice, landing on the kitchen counter, dripping to the tiled floor. With a sigh, I unplug the machine, then clean up the mess. I’ll just have to stop by a coffee shop on the way to work. Typically, I like to drink my coffee every morning outside on the balcony, enjoying the view. Drinking it this early also means the caffeine has time to kick in by the time I reach the studio. After my infuriating exchange with Quentin yesterday, I need my eyes open and my brain functioning at maximum capacity.

“What’s wrong?”

Blake’s voice startles me. He stands in front of the French doors, which were open. I assume his balcony doors are open too, or he wouldn’t have heard me.

“My coffee machine crapped out,” I explain through a yawn. “Almost done cleaning. Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you up.”

He shakes his head. “Was already awake. Be back in a minute.”

Just as I finish cleaning, Blake appears on the balcony, holding a cup of coffee, motioning with his head for me to join him. Butterflies roam in my stomach as I step outside.

“Thanks,” I say, taking the cup from him. Our fingers touch briefly, and I swear every cell leaps up with attention at the contact.

“Welcome. Thought it would be a bad start if you skipped your morning coffee on the balcony.”

I sip from my cup, trying to hide my surprise and delight that he noticed this tidbit.

“Why are you up early again?” I ask, taking in his appearance. He’s not wearing a suit today.

“Haven’t gone to bed at all, actually.”


“Two pipes broke at the Blue Moon, whole kitchen was under water. Been there all night overseeing repairs.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Blake waves his hand good-naturedly. “No major harm done. We’ll forego lunch, but we’ll be ready to open for dinner today.”

“You should go to bed.”

“I’ll crash after you leave. Right now, I’m exactly where I want to be. With you.”

Shifting my weight from one foot to the other, I grip my cup tighter, chuckling. “Not even a sleepless night dampens your drive, eh?”

“Not a chance.”

Blake’s eyes snap fire, but I hold his gaze stubbornly, even though I feel like I’m melting under the weight of it, not to mention the intensity.

“Blake, our friendship—”

He silences me by pressing his thumb to my lips. “Our friendship is one of the best things in my life. But I can’t think about you just as a friend. Not anymore. When I’m home, I’m looking for any opportunity to be around you. When I’m away, I think about you nonstop.”

“Blake,” I whisper against his thumb, but I have no comeback. His words wrap around me like a soft, warm blanket. He pulls himself to his full height, leaning in slightly, towering over me. Determination is etched on his handsome features. His gaze is a little possessive, a lot dominant, and I suddenly feel as hot as if I submerged myself in a bathtub.

“I know how to fight for what I want, Clara. And I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want you. So I’ll wait. And I’ll fight.”



Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance