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Long story short, I owe it to Nate big-time, and the least I can do is smile and push my current predicament to the back of my mind.

“So, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing that can’t wait until after the wedding,” I say with determination.

Blake lifts a brow. I should’ve known he wouldn’t be satisfied with that nonanswer. He can be intense when he wants to. Now he definitely wants to. He leans in a tad too close, pinning me with his dark eyes. I won’t lie, my resolve cracks a little under the weight of his attention. My flight instinct kicks in because being in sniffing distance of Blake is dangerous. It usually sends my pulse into overdrive, messes with my senses. Tonight, his proximity seems to affect me less—

Wait, I spoke too soon. There is pounding in my ears... Yep, that’s my pulse spiking. My heartbeat accelerates. Blake is still holding my gaze captive. I stubbornly look back but give in when I feel the heat rising to my cheeks.

“You know I was supposed to receive the keys to my apartment next Monday?”

I’m still over the moon about the my bit. This will be the first home I will own. A tiny box, but it will be mine. Eventually.


“Well, turns out the construction crew found some issues, and they’re delaying the project completion by ten to twelve weeks.”

Blake sets his lips into a grim line. “Let me guess. You already put in the notice where you live now?”

Shifting my weight from one leg to the other, I cross my arms over my chest.

“Exactly. I’m supposed to move out by the end of next week. Called the landlord, asking if he can extend the contract, but he’s already rented the place to someone else, so his answer was something along the lines of chop, chop, move it, move it.”

“I’m gonna take a wild guess that house hunting isn’t going well?”

“Not easy to find something on such short notice in San Francisco.”

“Especially for only a few months.”

Blowing out a breath, I nod. Ever since the construction company notified me of the delay two weeks ago, I’ve been browsing apartment listings and emailing with a real estate agent, but so far nothing. The short lease time is a deal breaker for all the places I can afford, so my options are rather bleak.

“I’ll have to suck it up and look for a room in a shared apartment. Those are more flexible.” The prospect of sharing my space with strangers is daunting. I grew up in group homes, sharing a bedroom with five, sometimes seven other girls. Only half were friendly at any given time.

“You’re not going to live with strangers, Clara.” He sounds a little concerned, a lot protective. In the background, the music changes, and I tap my foot against the floor to the rhythm of the new tune, watching as a crease appears on Blake’s forehead and he runs a hand through his almost black hair. “You never know what weirdos you’ll end up with.”

“Trust me, I’m not a fan of sharing, but I’m out of options.”

“I have an idea.” He pulls himself to his full height, which I estimate to be at six foot two or three. Despite his height, he appears strong, not massive. His muscular build and tapered waist make him look athletic. Scratch that. They make him look the definition of sexy and sinful.

“Do tell, because I’m completely out of good ones.”

“The apartment next to mine above the bar is empty.”

It takes a moment for his meaning to register. Blake owns a bar, and while I did know he owns the entire building and lives on the upper floor, I had no idea there were two apartments there, but it makes sense. The building is huge. There’s just one hitch in this plan. Considering the size and location....

“I don’t think I can afford that kind of rent.”

“I wouldn’t charge you.”

This stabs at my pride. I make it a point to take the chances that are given to me, but this feels like charity. I deliberate my answer for a moment because I don’t want to come off as ungrateful when he’s going above and beyond to help me.

“I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that, Blake.”

“Look, that place is empty anyway, and I’d never rent it out.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t want neighbors,” he says simply. “You’re a friend, that’s different. And it would only be for twelve weeks tops.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance