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“Of course you did.”

“Hey! They were covering my ass every time I asked, so I owed them. We had our survival methods. But that’s not the point. Besides, haven’t you heard the saying that drunk people and kids always tell the truth?”

“Yeah. They actually said they want to be like me?”

“They worshipped you as kids, even more than Sebastian.”

“But they brush me off every time I give them advice.”

“It’s a pride thing. Ego. You should understand, you have enough of it for the entire family. They want to prove they can succeed on their own.”

Logan opens his mouth but I hold up a hand to stop him. I need him to hear me out first.

“I know what you’re gonna say, that they spent a lot of time living the big life, just spending what they got off the dividends, but put yourself in their shoes for a second. All throughout their teen years and college, they saw Bennett Enterprises become one of the most successful companies in this country. The press practically idolized you and Sebastian. Everyone from friends to teachers were expecting the rest of us to do something extraordinary too. The weight of all those expectations can be so paralyzing that you choose to put off the moment when you try something just because you know you can’t match your siblings’ success. And you don’t want to disappoint anyone.”

A moment of silence follows as I draw my breath because, sweet Jesus, that felt like giving an entire speech.

“Alice, are you talking just about Blake and Daniel, or also about you?”

I cringe, but I should have seen this coming. Of course Logan would read between the lines. “About me too, but that’s not the point.”

“It is, because it’s obviously important to you. I never—Jesus, neither Sebastian nor I ever wanted to put pressure on you.”

“You didn’t,” I reassure him. “We put it on ourselves, but I guess we couldn’t help it.”

“When we set up Bennett Enterprises, we worked a lot, but we also had luck on our side. Anyone who thinks success only takes hard work is deluding themselves. I hate all those articles painting Sebastian and me like some kind of….” He frowns, obviously searching for the right word.

“Superhumans?” I offer helpfully with a grin. “Geniuses? Don’t sell yourself short—you are.”

“The point is, if hard work was all it took for success, there wouldn’t be so many hardworking people struggling.”

“I know.” I always appreciated that my oldest brothers never turned snobbish, believing they’re above others because they built a bona fide empire.

“Whatever any of you chose to do, you’d never disappoint us. I was just riding Blake’s and Daniel’s asses for so many years because I didn’t want them to waste their entire life going from party to party.”

I grab my brother’s hands over the table, needing to make him understand. The last thing I want is for him to feel guilty over this.

“I know, and Blake and Daniel do too. As I said, the pressure comes from the inside. I think some part of Daniel wants to change gears with his business, but the other part thinks he’ll disappoint everyone if he doesn’t pull through.”

“Nonsense,” Logan affirms, then in a softer voice adds, “Really?”

“Yeah. Just talk to him about this, see where it gets you. Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think so. I get heartburn just remembering the accident.”

“Me too. I’ll talk to him. And Alice, just so you don’t have any doubts, I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you.” My voice is uncharacteristically emotional, but Logan is kind enough not to point it out.

“You don’t have to prove anything to anyone,” he adds sternly.

“I know that now,” I assure him with a smile. “I struggled before, but turning thirty-one had its perks. I gained some wisdom in addition to a few pounds and developing a case of acute sweet tooth—although it was chronic before anyway.”

Logan chuckles, stretching his hand out to grab my plate. I slap it playfully.

“Hey! Doesn’t mean you can have my tiramisu.”

Logan lifts his hands in mock defense. “Was just trying to be of assistance. I personally believe you’re in perfect shape, but if you fear the sweet tooth, I can help. I’m a practical man.”

“You’re an opportunist.” Quickly I gulp down the last bite of tiramisu, unwilling to risk tempting Logan too much. “Besides, I’m the one who steals everyone’s food. It’s a documented fact.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance