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After breakfast, my siblings and I decide it’s best if we head back to San Francisco. We were supposed to leave tomorrow, but between Daniel’s ankle and the family worrying, we agree to cut the trip short. Nate will remain here the entire day, since he has plans with his team.

After we check out, Nate walks us to Blake’s car. Blake and Summer lead the way. I’m right behind them, and Nate and Daniel are a few good feet behind me. Even so, I catch their conversation.

“I know a lot of people who’re into extreme adventures. Some just for the camera, some behind it too. Accidents happen more often than you think,” Nate says.

Daniel replies in a whisper too low for me to catch.

“It’s a line of work that always keeps your family on edge,” Nate continues. “I’ve seen wives of hotshot TV stars who made a living doing extreme stuff for the camera. They worry constantly, and it’s not pretty.”

“I can’t change gears now or start over. I want to see this through,” Daniel replies, and something clicks in my mind.

My siblings get in the car first, and I linger outside to say goodbye to Nate. Not wanting three curious stares on us, I pull Nate out of sight behind another car.

“Oy,” Blake’s voice comes through. “Don’t overdo it with the kissing. We don’t want to be late for dinner.”

I roll my eyes, even though Blake can’t see me. Mom asked us all to come by for dinner this evening.

“Pity you can’t join us tonight,” I tell him. “Even though you received enough threats from my brothers today.”

“I’d rather spend the day with you and your crazy clan, but work calls. I still have to look over what the London office sent me too.”

And cue the heartburn. Shit, I have to stop reacting like this every time London is mentioned. He’s here now, and that’s all that matters. Fisting Nate’s shirt with both hands, I tug him toward me, giving him a hint. And he takes it. Tipping my chin up, he seals his lips over mine in a kiss that leaves me breathless and worked up.

“Great kiss,” I say afterward.

“Has to last until next time. I’ll see you. I’m coming in late tomorrow, but I’ll call you.”

“Okay. Oh, and thank you for talking to Daniel. Full confession? I was kind of mad that you didn’t back me up in the lobby.”

“You were doing a fine job by yourself. Told you, you’re a force of nature.”

“Didn’t do much good.” I shrug as Nate pushes two strands of hair behind my ears, and then his hands rest at the back of my head, the pads of his fingers pressing gently on my scalp.

“People don’t like to be cornered, Alice, especially not in front of an audience. If you want to convince anyone of something, you must be calm and rational. Give solid arguments.”

“Yeah, knitting and quilting weren’t my brightest ideas.”

“You were emotional. But you’ll figure it out. You’re smart.”

He pulls me to him again, kissing me long and hard, and I have to remind myself where we are so I don’t climb him. I want to memorize every sensation coursing through me, soak up all the goodness of this moment.

Is it normal to feel like you’re wrapped in a cloud just because your man is kissing you? Is this what a real relationship is? To feel that you’re a team with someone that you can talk about things, find solutions together?

Ever since last night—minus my morning freak-out—I feel like I’m dreaming. If it is a dream, I don’t want to wake up. If it’s real, I want to know how to make it last.

Chapter Seventeen


My siblings grill me about Nate for half the trip. The rest of the time, we grill Summer about Rome, making thinly veiled attempts to convince her to return to San Francisco sooner, although my attempts are less veiled than my brothers’.

During dinner at my parents’ house, the entire family is too happy that Daniel’s safe to admonish him. Remembering what Nate told me about cornering, I keep silent on the subject. But something Daniel told Nate keeps nagging at me—that he’s started on this path and now he wants to see it through.

I also keep quiet because we’re all enjoying Summer‘s visit, and the spotlight is on her the entire time. She’s heading back to Rome all too soon, unfortunately. She leaves in three days, and who knows when she’ll visit again.

After dinner, I ask Logan to come by one of my restaurants when he has time because I want to ask his advice about some financial issues, which is true. But I also want to ask for his help with Daniel.

Over the next week, Nate and I talk on the phone for hours every evening, but we have dinner and spend the night together only twice.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance