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When he drops me in his lap, I desperately check my towel, but of course it’s come undone. I’m flashing him my tits and my hooha. I thought he’d take advantage of this, but to my astonishment, he meticulously covers me with the towel.

“What are you doing?” I ask suspiciously.

“We’re having a conversation. Having your nipples in my face is distracting me.”

“Okay, then. Get to it.”

“You’re not gonna help?” he asks as he tries to fasten the towel above my right boob. By the way his fingers linger on my skin, it’s obvious he’d prefer to yank the fabric away altogether.

“No, I’m quite enjoying watching you struggle.”

His eyes flash, and I’m certain I’m going to pay for this. What does it say about me that I’m looking forward to it?

After successfully fastening my towel, he rests his hand on my inner thighs, very close to my intimate spot. I cock a brow at him.

“If you’re distracted, I have the advantage,” he explains, and I know this is my payback. Right up my alley. I open my thighs a tad, wiggling my eyebrows at him.

“If you’re gonna distract me, do it properly.”

Nate chuckles. “I was saying I’d never just leave. I might not have any ‘boyfriend of the year’ trophies, but I know a thing or two. Since I’m a lucky bastard and have you, I’m going to do nice things for you. Take care of you.”

“Well look at that,” I say in a rough voice. “You can make me swoon.”

“Told you. Doesn’t mean I won’t screw up, but”—he holds up one finger, as if saying, pay extra attention to this—“you have good instincts. If you feel a screw-up coming, don’t be afraid to do something about it. But in the meantime, I’m gonna do the right thing by you.” He kisses the tip of my nose and, despite his warning, I sigh happily. It’s all we can do, really. Do our best and see where this takes us.

Next thing I know, Nate kisses down my neck, undoing my towel, which falls around me, leaving me naked and exposed.

“What are you doing?”

“Rewarding myself for being on such good behavior.” He circles a nipple with his thumb. “I made eye contact the entire time, despite these beauties pressing against the towel.”

“How would you know that if you looked into my eyes the entire time?”

Nate doesn’t miss a beat. “I have distributive attention.”

Palming one breast, he pushes me gently off his lap until my ass is on the couch. He lowers his head over my stomach, then trails his lips up and down my skin.

“Lie back, Alice.”

His voice has dropped an octave, and damn his bedroom voice is sexy. As I do what he says, he spreads my thighs, his hand inching closer to my center.

“We don’t have time,” I protest weakly. “Daniel will be here at nine.”

“We still have plenty of time. I want to make you come, baby. You’re so beautiful when you come apart.” He turns his head slightly, focusing on me. “It’s my favorite sight.”

Still holding me captive with his sinful gaze, he runs two fingers from my clit to my opening, and my hips buck off the couch. He coats his fingers in my arousal before sliding them in, arching them in a come-here motion that drives me crazy. The heel of his palm presses against my clit, and I become a bundle of sensations. Nate peppers kisses all over my torso, moving from my stomach up to my breast while keeping his hand between my legs. I don’t know how much time passes before my orgasm builds inside me, but I feel like I’m burning up from the inside.

“I love seeing you like this, Alice,” he murmurs. His voice is all it takes to send me over the edge. I’m only vaguely aware of my fingers tugging at his hair as I cry out, holding on to him, hoping I’ll never have to let go.

Chapter Sixteen


I grin like a lunatic as Nate and I leave the room some twenty minutes later, taking the bag with sandwiches and salad with us. There are three other guests in the elevator car with us, and they give us suspicious looks. Nate has mussed-up, disheveled hair which could raise questions about his morning activities, but I check my appearance in the metal doors of the elevator and confirm I look perfectly composed. Except for the damn grin. I can’t rein it in, hard as I try.

We find Summer and Blake in the sitting area next to the reception desk. They stop talking upon seeing us. Summer chuckles, while Blake whistles loudly.

“What?” I challenge.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance