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“When you’re constantly on the move, it’s easier to learn to fix things than to find people to do it for you.”

“Makes sense. Guess you don’t seem the fixing type.”

He winks at me, and my intimate spot tingles dangerously.

“Lots of things you don’t know about me. There’s more to me than my pretty face.”

Oh, why yes there is, Mr. Becker. You have strong arms to go with it, and I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but I’m pretty sure the package in your jeans is just as alluring. Can’t wait to discover what you’re hiding in there.

“What just went through that dirty mind of yours?”

“Nothing,” I say a little too quickly. His eyes zero in on my mouth, and I become aware I’ve been gnawing at my lower lip.

Nate steps in front of me again, placing either hand at my sides, propping his fingers on the counter. He’s caging me in.

“Liar.” He brings his lips to my cheek, peppering the side of my face with kisses, trailing to my ear. “You’re a naughty woman, and it’s a fucking turn-on.”

Oh no. Not the dirty talk. If he starts with the dirty talk, I’m a goner.

“I didn’t mean to. But I got a Brazilian wax two days ago, and I’m very sensitive there. Even the friction with my panties is too much. When I’m thinking about you, I go up in flames in minutes. When you’re with me it’s even worse.”

“You got a Brazilian?” His mouth is still at my ear, so I feel every hot exhale against my skin. It isn’t helping my cause at all.

“Yes. I went to the spa in the evening and thought, ‘What the heck. If I’m here, I’d better be practical and take care—’” I stop when he pulls back a notch, and I take in the expression on his face, wanton and desperate.

I realize I’ve been rattling off like a madwoman, which is very unlike me. Something happens to me when I’m around Nate. I can never find my balance when he’s near. I’m in a continuous freefall.

“Too much information?” I ask weakly.

“Way too much,” he says on a groan. “You tell me that and expect me to behave? I’m not a weak man, Alice, but I’m weak for you. And right now, I’m dying to taste you. I need to taste you.”

I fist his shirt, a jolt of pleasure rippling through me at his words. Not “I want to taste you” but “I need to taste you.”

Sweet heavens, I need it too.

“How turned on are you now?” One of his hands moves across my collarbone, up my neck, and to the back of my head. He threads his fingers in my hair with barely restrained passion. When he presses his forehead against mine, I can feel his breath against my upper lip, hot and heavy. A soft moan is the only answer I manage to give him. His fingers tighten their grip on my hair.

“Are your panties wet?”

Nodding, I fist his shirt even stronger.

“Do you want me to touch you?”

“Yes, I need it so much, Nate.” My words come out in a rush. “So much.”

He moves the hand that was still propped on the counter to my waist, then drops it south, letting it slide down my thigh a few inches before gathering up the fabric of my dress. When his warm fingers touch my bare skin, I shudder. When his hand inches closer to the apex of my inner thighs, I grip one of his arms tightly, needing to steady myself.

“Open your legs, Alice.” His voice is a little hoarse, a lot commanding. Licking my lips, I do as he says. The very next second, he slides his fingers over my panties, rubbing my slick spot. My knees almost buckle as pleasure spears me.

“Ah!” Exhaling sharply, I pinch my eyelids closed, seeking to ground myself.

He presses the heel of his palm against my clit while his fingers move up and down my seam, drawing small circles over the soaked fabric. I nearly break out of my skin from the pleasure. “Fuck, I love having you so hot and bothered. You could come just like this, couldn’t you?”

“Yes. Yes, I—”

I don’t manage to finish the sentence because Nate seals his mouth over mine in a kiss that is the perfect mix of sweetness and passion, of tenderness and heat. When he pulls back, I groan in protest.

“I want my mouth here”—his fingers press right into my opening—“when you finish.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance