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“Of course not. It’s your money, and you can do with it whatever you want to. It’s very commendable on your part.”

I let out a relieved breath.

“Alice,” he says gently, “you don’t have to prove anything to me, or to any of us. You’ve always wanted to do things on your own, and you succeeded.”

“Only because I had a safety net. I’m not a hypocrite. I wouldn’t have ventured out to do all of this if I didn’t know I’d be okay even if I failed. It’s a fantastic certainty to live with, and I will always be thankful for it.” Pressing my lips together, I search for the right words. “I’m not trying to prove anything to anyone other than myself.”

“I understand.” Sebastian nods thoughtfully, and the twinkle of pride in his eyes makes my heart double in size.


When I step inside the lobby of my building many hours later, Sam, the doorman, smiles, eyeing the small take-out box in my hand.

“I have your favorite bagels here, Sam.”

“Your food is bad for my figure, Ms. Bennett.” Despite the protest, he opens the box, immediately digging in.

“I know, but it’s so good for the soul.”

“Have a nice evening.”

“You too.”

Yawning, I head to the elevators. I’m bone-tired but also happy that tonight went so well. When I reach the door to my apartment, I stumble over something. Glancing down, I notice a small gift bag. Energy zips through me, instantly pushing thoughts of sleep away. Like a kid on Christmas morning, I lift it up, barely making it inside my apartment before opening it. Inside is a delicate flask of lavender essential oil and a card.

Sorry I couldn’t be there for you tonight. Sleep tight.


Oh, sweet heavens. This man is turning on the charm all right.

I’m typically still so wound up in my thoughts at night I lie awake for hours, thinking. I keep a bowl of water in my room, where I pour a few drops of lavender essential oil in the evenings because it helps me relax and sleep. I ran out of oil last week and didn’t have time to buy a new one. Which I mentioned in passing to Nate, and he remembered.

Clutching the flask against my chest like it’s a prized diamond, I stroll to my living room, grinning from ear to ear.

I want to call him, but maybe he’s gone to bed. It’s very late. A text message shouldn’t wake him though, right? Gah, if I don’t do anything, I’ll just burst from so much energy and excitement.

Alice: Thank you so much for the lavender oil. Hope I’m not waking you up.

Yeah, sending the message didn’t really do anything to dampen my energy. Smothering Nate with kisses might. Just remembering the way he kissed me in that alley is enough to send my senses into overdrive. I startle when my phone starts ringing. Nate.

“You’re not sleeping,” I say by way of greeting.

“Nah, I’m just now heading home. How did it go?”

“Great. We got helpful feedback.” I rattle on about my evening, finishing with Daniel’s invitation for our family to test out rock climbing trails at Joshua Tree National Park, and how only Blake and I are brave—or stupid—enough to try it out with him.

“Hey! That’s something I could do with my new team. Not extreme rock climbing, don’t think anyone’s into that, but some other team-building activity, like maybe hiking. I’ll give Daniel a call.”

“He’ll try to rope you into rock climbing too.”

“I’ll try it. I’m no coward.”

“Are you implying the rest of my family is?” I tease, curling into my favorite armchair in the living room. “Watch it or I’ll cook up a revenge plan for our date.”

Nate chuckles, but despite his good humor, he sounds tired. I wish I could go over to his place and take care of him, make sure he relaxes and puts the stressful day behind him. Yeah, that wouldn’t send him running for the hills or anything, considering we’re just going on our first date next week. I’ve known him for a long time, and he likes to have his space.

“I buy you lavender oil and offer to put my life on the line for your brother, and all I get is threats?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance