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“Well, the first one is to make sure we really want to date, if there is a spark. The second is to confirm we didn’t just imagine the spark, and to get to know each other better. The third is to discover what more we have in common.” Since I completely made up the rule of five, here’s where it gets tricky. All I want is to make sure he really wants this. The chances of getting my heart broken will be lower then, I hope.

A few seconds into brainstorming, inspiration strikes. “The fourth is for testing whether we’re still interested in each other. The fifth is a prelude for sealing the deal.”

Part of me had hoped Nate’s expression would become even more crestfallen by my explanation (yep, I can be a little witch), but instead, he’s grinning like the Cheshire cat. I feel like I’ve walked into a trap, only I don’t understand how. With this also comes a realization: I’m definitely the mouse in our game.

“I’ve known you for a long time, Alice. That covers about four of your dates.”

“It does not,” I insist. “The spark—”

“We nearly set fire to your restaurant with one kiss.” He slides two fingers under my chin, lifting it up. I have no choice but to look directly at him. “We have spark.”

Damn, what can I say? My skin instantly reacts to his words and touch. Goose bumps form on my arms, and blood rushes to my cheeks and neck.

“Look at you,” he murmurs. “Your skin is all flushed already.”

“You’re distracting me.” Pushing his hand away, I square my shoulders, gathering my wits. My skin prickles with heat where he touched me moments ago.

“So knowing you for years doesn’t count at all?”

“Nope. You don’t know me romantically. I might be into stuff you don’t like.”

“Like what?”

“I might be into kinky stuff.”

Throwing his head back, Nate laughs throatily. I love his laughter so much, I don’t even feel embarrassed that it’s at my expense.

“What kind? Bondage? Whips? Kinkier? I’m not turning you on with all this kink talk, am I?”

Sure enough, I burn everywhere. Truthfully, I’m not into any of it, but just hearing him talk about it messes with me. Also, my five-date rule requires me to volunteer more information. “I just want both of us to be sure this is a good idea, that we won’t regret any of it.”

Nate brings his chair closer, resting his legs on the outside of mine, trapping me inside. For a split second, I’m convinced he’s about to seal his mouth over mine, but then he does the oddest thing. He lifts my hand to his mouth, feathering his lips on the back of my hand. He lingers there for several long seconds.

“I’m going to wait for as long as you need me to, Alice. This isn’t about getting you into bed. This is about giving us a shot. I’ve wanted this for a long time, and I think you’ve wanted it for even longer. We deserve a chance.”

I nod enthusiastically. “We do. But tonight, we’re focusing on you.”

“First date?”

“Nope. This is just two friends getting together. One had a shitty day, the other is lightening him up. A date would require me to at least take a trip to the beauty salon first.”

“Killing me here.”


ting on it.”

Chapter Nine


Who am I, and what have I done with Alice Bennett?

The question pops in my mind more than once as I inspect my appearance in the mirror the morning of the meeting with the Delicious Dining team. I’m wearing a sleeveless dark blue dress that falls all the way to my knees. It hugs my waist tightly, flowing down in a straight line. I’ve styled my hair in an asymmetric ponytail to the right and put on more makeup than usual. I want to impress them, and looks matter, especially when it comes to people working in television.

Grabbing my coat, I rush out the door. There is a thick layer of fog all around me, but it doesn’t dampen my mood in the slightest. It does, however, make me shiver and pull my coat around me tighter right until I climb in my car. Damn San Francisco mornings. It’s mid-June; why can’t it be warmer, clearer?

Half an hour later, I step inside a lush office building. It takes a few minutes to check in at the reception desk and receive a visitor badge.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance