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"Don't you even think about it," I warn. "I'm not easy, and I don't like it quick." Not to mention, there are few things less sexy than getting rid of tights, especially since I bought them a size too big, and the elastic band is practically under my boobs. My hope is that when the sexy time comes around, I’ll ditch them when he isn't looking.

"Oh, but I am so very easy," he teases. "And I can do a lot in a few minutes."

"How about kissing me some more, then?"


"Christopher," Sienna says once we're on our way, "is there anyone in your family who won't be there?"

"Just my baby sister Summer and Daniel. Summer is in Italy. She's working at a museum, and they extended her contract, and Daniel had to go to New York and couldn't make it back in time."

"I hope I won't mix up anyone's names," Sienna continues. "There are so many of you."

"If you do forget, just smile and improvise," Christopher says. "It always works."

Chloe and Lucas are loud and excited on the ride to the Bennett house. I, on the other hand, am quiet and nervous.

"Kids," I tell them for the hundredth time. "Please be polite when we arrive. Always say please and thank you—"

"Also feel free to break windows or bang doors," Christopher adds helpfully. I nudge him with my elbow—hard. "Ouch. What was that for?"

I give him a meaningful look, but he shrugs.

"Mom always says she misses the time when we were kids, and that she wants grandkids. We used to break at least a window a week. I'm sure she misses it now that her windows are in pristine condition.

"Christopher logic," I mutter to myself, then realize the kids have gone quiet—radio silent. I look at them in the rearview mirror. Sienna has her headset on, moving her lips to the lyrics she's hearing and gazing out the window. Chloe’s and Lucas's gazes are glued to Christopher's headrest, and I swear they seem to be holding their breaths. The man in question also notices the unnatural silence, shooting me an alarmed look.

"Chloe, Lucas, anything wrong?" I ask, my heart clenching.

"Can we be grandkids?" Chloe asks quietly.

"Don't they have to be like Mom and Dad's parents?" Lucas continues.

"Wh-huh…." I draw blank, taken aback by their questions.

"Of course you can be their grandkids," Christopher answers for me.

"But we're not related," Lucas insists.

“You don’t have to be related by blood to be family,” Christopher says.

“Are you just saying that because Chloe and I are adopted?” Lucas asks boldly, and my chest tightens.

“No, I’m saying it because it’s true. For the record, my family always referred to close friends as adopted Bennetts. But you’d be grandkids. That means you can do as many pranks and shenanigans as you want.”

Several seconds of silence follow, and then Lucas and Chloe start talking at the same time.

"We'll have grandparents?"

"We never had grandparents before."

"Do you think they'll let us eat sweets before dinner?"

I sink in my seat, smiling broadly. Christopher grins as he slows down, coming to a halt at a gas station.

"Pit stop. Tank is almost empty," he explains before getting out. Seizing my last chance to talk to him alone before we make it to his parents' house, I tell the kids, "Stay inside. I'm just going to be at the back of the car for a few minutes."

With that, I climb out of the car and join Christopher, who's filling the tank.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance