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Grabbing my car keys and a jacket, I head out the door. "Are you kidding? Of course, I want to. I'm on my way."

"I have to get back to them now. I left the three of them alone in the kitchen. Last time I did that, Lucas snuck chili peppers in the cookie dough when Sienna wasn't looking. She needs backup. Drive safe, handsome."

"What's it take to be upgraded to the next level?"


"I'm not really happy with the handsome moniker. I have a few suggestions. They're far better."

"You suck at negotiating. Get your ass over here, Bennett."


I walk up Victoria's front steps a while later. Sienna opens the door before I even ring the bell.

"Come in." She gives me a solid “I approve of you” smile.

When I sent the flowers two weeks ago, I was hoping Victoria wouldn't be home when they arrived, so Sienna would have time to inspect them. I knew she'd read the card. I'm not often sneaky, but when I am, it's for a good cause, such as winning Sienna to my side.

"Victoria had to run to the store, but she'll be home in a few minutes."

I follow her into the living room, where Lucas and Chloe are sitting on the couch. Both are silent, which is my first clue that something's up. Growing up, the only time our house was silent was when some serious shit went down, and we wanted to keep it from Mom and Dad. Not that we ever managed to; Mom had a sixth sense when it came to those things.

"What are we watching?" I ask them, breaking the weird silence.

"We haven't decided yet," Lucas answers. "Chloe, take your position."

Huh? Chloe half walks, half crawls to the armrest. Kneeling on it, she props her tiny hands on the windowsill, peering outside. Lucas mouths to Sienna, “You first.”

"Okay, what's going on?" I ask, sitting on the ottoman opposite the couch. "I feel like I'm missing something. What's Chloe doing at the window?"

"Sounding the alarm when I see Victoria," the girl responds, which only further confuses me.

"If we don't hurry up, she’ll be home soon," Lucas tells his older sister. "Cheese-flavored popcorn is easy to find."

"Nah, I told her to buy nachos with guacamole instead," Sienna says thoughtfully. "Those are never where they’re supposed to be. I always have to ask the clerk to bring it from the back."

"What's going on?" I repeat.

"We wanted to talk to you," Lucas says.

"When Victoria's not around," Sienna adds.

Ah, and now it becomes crystal clear. I'm being ambushed.

"Let's hear it."

"Victoria told us today you guys are dating," Sienna begins, and the “I approve of you” smile is gone. "And we like you."

"Okay…," I say cautiously, not feeling very liked right now.

"We want to know if you're serious about h

er," Sienna says.

Well, I'll be damned. Over the years, I've heard variations of the talk from a lot of people, including my own family. I usually dismissed their questioning with a variation of “It's none of your business,” but seeing these kids look up at me with hope… this is a whole new set of expectations. And I don't want to let them down.

"I am," I answer without hesitation.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance