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Sienna grins. “In other words, as soon as we find a dress and location.”

Chloe and Lucas start talking at the same time, their questions directed to Sienna.

“I can’t wait to get home,” Christopher whispers to me.

“And why is that, Mr. Romantic?” I ask in an equally low tone, even though the kids are talking so loudly there’s no chance they’d hear us.

Christopher trails his fingers up and down my exposed forearm, igniting my skin. Anticipation courses through my veins. As he brings his lips to my ear in a seemingly innocent gesture, I know I’ll see more of his Mr. Sexy side later.

“Because I have plans.”

Epilogue: Four Months Later


"This was a bad idea." I survey the chaos in front of me, crossing my fingers that by the end of the day, all the kids in the backyard will still have their fingers intact. It's Lucas's tenth birthday, and we're celebrating in style with fifteen of his school friends, plus Aunt Christina and her family. The Bennett clan is here too, of course, and that brings the total number of guests up considerably. Our yard is filled with people of all ages and heights; conversation, laughter, and the occasional cry fill the air. We’ll move out of this house by the end of the month, and we wanted to host one huge party here before leaving. When Christopher and I decided it was time to move in together, it was clear my house was too small. We chose to restore his apartment to the original five bedrooms it had.

"Successful party," Christopher comments, watching the chaos as well. "Everyone's having a blast."

It's true. Even Pippa's daughters, Elena and Mia, are laughing their asses off, even though all they do is sit in their infant seats and wave at everyone. They’re adorable. Chloe is once again shadowing Mrs. Bennett, who doesn't seem to mind in the slightest.

I lean against Christopher, almost purring with joy when his strong arms enclose me, protective and loving. If someone would have told me eight months ago that on Lucas's birthday I'd be head over heels in love with a gorgeous man and be surrounded by his family, I would’ve dismissed it as a crazy idea. I was the girl with the plan to put my personal life on standstill until the kids were older, but there you go. Sometimes letting go of the plan and taking a chance leads to wonderful things.

"Do you think they'll miss the yard?" he asks.

"Nah, they love your roof." Love is an understatement. Lucas and Chloe have declared they never want to leave the indoor pool. Sienna proclaimed that the rooftop is the best reading spot in San Francisco. "You're so good to us, Christopher."

"You deserve it."

"Don't you two make a lovely picture?" Pippa says as she walks up to us. Sebastian's wife, Ava, joins us too.

"I swear if I get any larger," Ava says, "I won't fit in my car anymore."

"You look great," Pippa assures her. Ava huffs, patting her round belly. She still has a few months to go until she gives birth.

"Christopher, you've got to see this," Lucas calls from the other end of the yard. My fiancé lets go of me, heading to my brother without another word.

"You know," Ava says to Pippa, "I remember Christopher proclaiming loud and clear that he wouldn’t fall for your matchmaking games."

Pippa shrugs, pushing her beautiful blonde hair back. "So did Max. My brothers were under the impression I'd given up my ways after getting married, but that just made them easy prey."

"Isn't it too much on top of work and your daughters?" I ask, handing her a second serving of pie from the nearby table. Ava hesitates for a split second when I hand her a plate, but then she digs in, eating with gusto.

"Oh no," Pippa says solemnly. "It relaxes me, almost like a hobby."

"What will you do when you run out of siblings?" Ava asks with fake horror.

Pippa holds her finger up as if saying, ‘I have the solution for this scenario of doom.’ "We have an alarmingly high number of single cousins. That won't do."

I burst out laughing without the slightest remorse. I would put more effort into hiding my amusement if Pippa wouldn't have so much fun at her own expense.

"But Alice is next in line now," Ava says with a knowing smile, pointing at the sister in question, who is deep in conversation with Sienna.

"Oh?" I ask through a mouthful of pie.

Pippa and Ava exchange a sheepish look before the former points her fork at me. "Before we give you any details, we have to know if you're with us or the boys."

"I'm not following," I say honestly.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance