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“Because I thought you were fucking coming home with me. You weaseled out every time.”

“You’re a jerk.”

“I thought you were playing hard to get, or had some stupid three-date rule before sex. But you were just a tease, weren’t you?”

The doors of the elevator open, and I quickly step out. John follows me. Damn it, Max is inside the garage. I don’t want him to see John and get the wrong idea.

Swirling on my heels, I confront him in the small space between the elevator and the open door leading to the garage.

“You read into it whatever you wanted. It was just pizza.” My hands are curled into fists at my sides, and I’m shaking with anger.

“Women like you are unbelievable. You lead guys on, and then blame us.” He shakes his head, spitting at my feet. “You’re a fucking tease.”

Right. I’ve had enough. “You’re delusional, and if I were you, I’d shut up. I might be small, but I have a mean right hook.”

Turning around, I step forward, wishing to put as much distance as possible between him and me. In my haste, I catch my heel in a small hole. Losing my balance, I hurtle toward the ground on one side. My right elbow and knee hurt like hell when they make contact with the pavement. Unfortunately I’m wearing a red, sleeveless shirt, and a pencil skirt short enough to leave my knees exposed. My left side is spared, but I’m in blinding pain for a split second. I think I just left a layer of skin on the pavement.

“Emilia!” Max calls. My eyes are blurry with tears of pain, but I see Max a few feet away, striding toward John and me. I push myself up as fast as I can, wobbling on my feet.

“Are you okay?” Max asks me in a gentle voice, and all I can do is nod in relief. The muscles in his arms tense as he brings his fingers to the side of my face in a slight caress.

John, who truly is an idiot, says, “So that’s who you’re teasing tonight. One word of advice. Don’t waste any money on her. She’s not worth it. Just a fucking tease, this one.”

Despite being in pain, I raise my fist. Max, who was already shaking with restrained anger, is quicker than I am. He turns to John. I blink once, and then Max’s fist collides with the side of John’s face. Since Max is at least a foot taller, the impact knocks John off balance. He barrels back a few steps, holding the side of his face with both hands.

“What the fuck?” he bellows.

“If a woman says no, she means it. Be a man and accept it.” Max stalks toward him, and as he raises his hand—curled into a fist, again—John has the good sense to scurry away. Max turns to me, inspecting my right knee and arm. I have scratches on both, and they sting like hell.

“Emilia,” he says softly. “I’m so sorry.”

“For what?” I’m startled.

“For not stepping in earlier. I was distracted in my car, e-mailing my assistant, and then I saw the two of you arguing. Got here as fast as I could. That idiot—”

“He didn’t do this,” I explain. “I was in a hurry to get away from him and didn’t look where I was stepping.”

“I saw you stumble. It was the only reason that idiot still has teeth. He deserved that punch, though. For talking to you like that.”

His words warm me on the inside, as does the half hug he pulls me in, careful not to touch my injured side. I sure could’ve punched John myself, but I’ll be damned if it doesn’t feel nice to have someone defend me and care about me.

“Thank you for defending my honor, knight in shining armor.”

“Give me your phone,” he says into my ear, pulling away.


“Phone,” he insists.

“Jeez, you’re such a caveman.”

I push the phone in his hands. “What are you doing?”

“Putting myself on speed dial. When you need something, you call me. You want me to pick up food because you’re sick? Call me. You want a quickie? You’d better call me. Shit hits the fan and or an idiot annoys you? You fucking call me.”

“Are you mad at me right now?” I don’t know if I should be pissed at him, or hug him. I wish I could do both at the same time.

“No, I’m worried. Seeing you on the floor scared the hell out of me. And now you have a bloody elbow and knee. Come on, I’ll take you home.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance