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“You had to do that, didn’t you?” he asks, a smile playing on his lips.

I shrug, as if it’s purely coincidental. “It’s the most comfortable spot. And someone’s happy I’m here,” I add, feeling his erection.

“Always.” With a swing of his arms, he pushes me sideways, laying me on my back and climbing over me. “I had a crazy thought today.”

“Tell me,” I beckon.

Eric’s eyes turn serious as he twirls a strand of my hair between his fingers. “Would you move to Boston with me?”

Wham. The impact of his words knocks the wind out of my lungs for a few seconds. I remain speechless, simply because I can’t wrap my mind around the idea. I try to visualize how my life there could be. With some adjustments, I could continue working for Bennett Enterprises, and I would be with him and Julie, but I break a sweat at the thought of not having my family around me.

“I could never live so far away from my family,” I answer honestly. Uttering every word feels like I’m stabbing him and myself at the same time, but it’s the truth, and he deserves it.

He gives me a sad smile, looking away. “I feared you might say that. I wanted to ask anyway. Hearing you confirm that hurts more than I thought it would.”

“Eric…,” I whisper.

“I don’t want to let go,” he says. “I won’t know how to do it.”

I run my hand at the side of his face, and he leans in to my caress with a vulnerability that completely disarms me and beckons me to peel back my own layers.

“I don’t know how either.”

“Let’s not think about it anymore then, and just enjoy each other,” Eric whispers, nuzzling my neck with his lips.



When I wake up the next morning, I find Eric at the foot of the bed, with an amused expression. I love having him sleep over.

“Hey, stranger,” I greet him, rubbing my eyes. “How long have you been standing there?”

“A while,” he informs me, a smile playing on his lips. “I like watching you sleep.”


“Because you’re peaceful, and sweet, and very kissable.”

I huddle my blanket to my chest, feeling oddly displaced. My flirting talents don’t spring to life before I’ve had my first coffee, so I just smile.

Oblivious to my predicament, Eric continues, “Also, you have a lovely snore.”

This instantly jolts me out of my morning haze. “I definitely don’t snore,” I reply indignantly.

“Thought you’d say that.” With a smirk, he pulls his phone out of his pocket. “But I have proof.”

He presses a few buttons on his phone, and a weird wheezing sound comes from it. Then it hits me.

“That’s me? You recorded me sleeping?”

“Yep, couldn’t resist it.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “That’s not snoring, it’s purring.”

“Aha,” Eric says, furrowing his brow in mock concentration as he listens to the recording again. “Loud purring.”

“Turn that off.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance