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He takes me in his arms again, and I allow his body heat and strength to soothe me. I revel in his tenderness and don’t argue anymore, because deep down, I want him here. I want him to stay, and that scares me because soon enough I’ll have to let him go.

When we return upstairs, Sebastian tells me that nothing’s changed. But as Eric and I sit next to each other, holding hands for the next hours, I can’t help feeling that something has.

The chief surgeon comes out at precisely one o’clock in the morning. He informs us that the surgery has gone well, and Dad will remain in ICU for tonight. They will move him to a regular room tomorrow. My dad is in stable condition, but they have to monitor him closely.

“We expect him to recover well,” the doctor finishes in a tired voice. Almost in unison, the room breathes with relief.

“Thank you,” Mom tells him while Alice and Summer hug her.

“There is no reason for anyone to stay here. You’re not allowed to see him tonight anyway,” the doctor adds before leaving.

Everyone, myself included, murmurs about how we aren’t leaving until Mom exclaims, “Nonsense. I’m his wife. I’ll stay here, in case there’s any news. One of you can stay, but no more. We can take turns keeping watch.”

Sebastian and Logan protest, but I smile, glad that Mom returned to her normal self. In the end, Alice and Mom remain at the hospital, and they all but kick the rest of us out.

“I’ll take you home,” Eric tells me.

I smile, almost amused. “I came here with Max, but what if I had driven my own car?”

He shrugs. “I wouldn’t let you drive.”

“I change my stance. You’re not bossy. You’re a downright caveman, like my brothers.”

“It wouldn’t be safe for you to drive. You’re too tired.”

I don’t move, taking in his commanding body language, which contrasts so starkly with the tenderness in his eyes. As if reading the question in my mind, he steps in front of me, cradling my head between his hands.

“I protect and take care of what is mine, and you’re mine, Pippa. Mine. Let’s go.”

Chapter Twelve


Eric pulls his car in front of my building a while

later, and I sigh. As if sensing my unease, he puts his hand over mine.

“If you don’t want to be alone, tell me. I’ll come upstairs with you and sleep on your couch.”

His eyes are hooded with desire, yet under it all is warmth and concern for me. “Why, you don’t think you’ll like my bed?” I tease.

“I was trying to be a gentleman.”

“Let’s go upstairs.”

He nods, and the gesture unleashes a thick tension between us. Wordlessly, we exit the car and walk inside. Once we step into the elevator, the tension grows, intensifying with every breath, every stolen glance. As I unlock my door and push it open, the tension climbs to an unbearable high.

Once inside, Eric places his hand on my shoulder. “Are you sure you want this?”

“Where is he?” I pretend to search his pockets, first dipping my hands in the pockets of his pants, then those of his suit jacket.

“Who?” he asks in bewilderment.

“The caveman. Right now, I prefer him to the gentle guy.”

“He’s right here, ready to strike. He’s always here.”

The twinkle of mischief in his eyes is delicious. Eric is sweet and caring, but underneath that is a passionate and fierce man. I want all sides of him for as long as I can have him in my life.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance