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Eric opens the door for me, but I don’t climb in my seat right away.

I place a kiss on the corner of his mouth, whispering, “We’re going to have a lot of fun today.”

“We are. Per your instructions, I didn’t bring a forklift.”

“Great. Forget the forklift and concen

trate on the cobweb remover.” I look suggestively under his belt, and when I snap my gaze back up, his eyes are dark and hooded.

“I’d never thought I’d use the words ‘cobweb remover’ and ‘forklift’ on a nondate. You’re an interesting woman. Now, get in the car, or I’ll take you upstairs and we won’t come out for a few days.”

I exhale sharply, the sensuality of his words nearly undoing me. Swallowing hard, I obey, climbing in the car.

Eric joins me and I pout as soon as he guns the engine. “Please give me a hint where we’re going at least.”

He’s sneaking glances at me, so I bat my eyelashes in an attempt to soften him up.


“Is there any way I can convince you to tell me where we’re going?”

He shakes his head, smiling. “I might be bribed into it.”


“A peek at the lovely skin under that dress.”

My mouth forms an O. “Eric Callahan! Are you asking me to strip in your car?”

“Absolutely. A peek at one thigh, and I’ll give you a clue. If I get to see both of them, I’ll tell you the location right away.”

“You’re asking me to strip and negotiating? You’ve got balls.”

He lets out a small groan at the back of his throat. “Right, I changed my mind. No more balls or striptease talk, or we won’t make it to the date at all.”

“Should I take it as a challenge?” I ask, feeling naughty.

“Please don’t. I’m trying to be a man of honor here.”

We talk about Julie and my family for the better part of the drive, and after about an hour, he pulls off the highway. Ten minutes later, he pulls into the parking lot of a small harbor.

“Ah,” I exclaim, as understanding dawns on me. “Are we going out on a boat?”

Eric turns to me. “Come on. Let’s get down to business.”

I lick my lips, his words igniting a spark deep inside me. “You have a dirty mind.”

“You turn my words into innuendos, and I’m the one with the dirty mind?”

“This coming from the man who wanted to bribe me with clues to strip in his car?”

“I’ve got my weak moments,” he says with a shrug. “Come on. Let’s go. Our nondate officially begins.”

“You look so smug. I don’t know if I want to smack that smile off you or kiss you.”

We leave the car, and Eric leads me down a narrow stone path past the cabin that presumably houses the reception desk. Suddenly, unease slithers down my spine, and I dig my nails in my palms. To calm my nerves, I take in my surroundings, inspecting the magenta flower buds lining the narrow alley leading down to the harbor. As we approach the water, the smell of salt and sea is thick in the air. Eric extends his hand out to me, his eyes warm. I can almost read the promise in them: I will take care of you. I can do this. I can enjoy this beautiful day with this beautiful man. Smiling, I take his hand.

There are rows of luxurious yachts and boats, and we come to a halt in front of a six-person speedboat. Eric helps me inside, and that’s when I see the small picnic basket tucked behind the driver’s seat.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance