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Low chatter comes from the kitchen as I pull up the second movie, and then I hear a scream. Instantly, I jump to my feet and stride their way. Julie emerges from the kitchen, looking pale.

“Blood,” she mutters.

“Are you okay?”

She nods. “Pippa cut herself.” With that, Julie rushes past me into the living room. She hates the sight of blood. As I step into the kitchen, I discover she’s not the only one. Pippa holds her finger over the sink, looking away from it. There is only one small cut on that finger. I grab the first aid kit from one of the cabinets and take out a Band-Aid. Standing in front of her, I carefully wrap the adhesive bandage around her finger, fighting not to laugh.

“Stop it,” she says.


“You know what. You’re laughing at me.” She’s still looking away from the finger and away from me.

“I’m sorry. I thought people get over the fear of blood after a certain age.”

“Weirdly enough, I don’t have a problem with other people’s blood, only my own.” She breathes slowly as if trying to calm herself.

“There, done,” I say. Slowly, Pippa turns her head, glancing briefly at her finger. This close, her feminine scent catches me off guard. It’s sweet and spicy.

I caress her jaw, tipping her head up a notch. “I like your perfume.”

“Thanks.” She shifts slightly, and her full breasts press against my chest. My reaction is instantaneous. A groan I mask poorly reverberates in my throat. Pippa licks her lower lip, averting her gaze, but she doesn’t pull away. Her sweet, warm body is nestled against mine as if we belong together. I’m fighting against my every instinct.

“Fuck.” My voice trembles. “I want to kiss you so badly.”

Pippa shakes her head, almost imperceptibly. “Bad idea.”

“Yeah, very bad,” I agree. “Because I couldn’t stop at one kiss. I’d want to taste every inch of your skin, find out what you like and take you over the edge.”

“Eric,” she whispers, fisting my shirt. My name in her mouth stirs a movement in my boxers. She is so close to me that I feel her pressing her thighs together. I nearly lose my control.

That’s when I realize she’s trembling lightly in my arms. She’s fighting this as much as I am. I kiss her forehead, my mouth lingering on her skin for a few beats until we both calm down.

“Is the blood gone?” My daughter’s voice resounds from the living room.

“Yes,” I reply. “We’ll come with the desserts in a second.”

Except we don’t. We need longer to pull ourselves together, and when we finally return to the living room, Julie says, “Dad, I miss your grill.” Turning to Pippa, she continues, “He makes delicious chicken wings with honey and ketchup sauce.”

“Sounds delicious,” Pippa says. She senses no danger, but I already know where Julie’s going with this.

“Why don’t you cook some tomorrow? I’m sure Pippa will love them.”

Yep, exactly as I suspected.

“I have plans tomorrow,” Pippa says quickly, throwing me a pleading look. “Alice and I are doing something together.”

“Next weekend?” Julie pushes. I almost laugh as realization dawns on Pippa. I briefly wonder if Alice and Nadine corrupted my daughter when they went to the aquarium with her.

“I suppose I could stop by next Saturday,” Pippa mutters.

“Excellent,” Julie exclaims.

Pippa and I exchange a glance, and one thing becomes clear. Next time I am alone with this woman, I won’t be able to hold back.

Chapter Seven


Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance