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“Can’t wait.”

“Seriously, I’d love to see some of your other dresses too.”

“Sure, I’d be happy to.” My heart soars with excitement at her appreciation. As we go into the box for the performance, Pippa whispers something I don’t catch to Logan, and both glance at m

e with a quizzical expression, like they’re sharing an inside joke.

Before we take our seats, Logan whispers to me, “I’m very proud of you.” He pinches my ass for good measure, doing that thing again when he makes me feel like a girl and a woman all at the same time.

I’ll never get enough of Logan, and that scares me even more than the opening on Monday.


Two hours later, we leave the box, chatting animatedly while making our way to the exit. We’re almost at the door when Pippa comes to an abrupt halt, turning white. The men stop too, but they are far from pale—all three of them are red in the face. Blake even clenches his fists.

A man in his late thirties with brown hair and green eyes stops in front of us.

“Pippa, what a surprise.” His tone is glacial. Next to me, Logan stiffens. The man surveys the party, stepping in front of me.

“I’m Terence Lancaster.”

Suddenly, I understand everyone’s reaction. He’s Pippa’s ex-husband, also known as asshole extraordinaire, ranking even above Thomas. He holds out his hand to me. I shake it shortly, not wanting to add to the tension.

“Coming with your brothers to the opera, Pippa? Couldn’t pay a man to join you?”

Pippa pales even more at his words. If I hadn’t already disliked Terence on principle alone, now I hate his guts.

“Let’s step outside and you make that remark again,” Logan says. “I don’t want to spoil the carpet here.”

“You always did have a temper,” Terence tells Logan.

“So do we,” Daniel says. He and Blake both have their hands in fists at their sides.

“You can’t talk to our sister like that,” Blake booms. Several people passing by throw us alarmed glances.

Terence rolls his eyes, though I detect a flicker of fear in them. “Where is Sebastian?”

“You’re out of luck today,” Logan says through gritted teeth. “Sebastian is the sensible one keeping us from knocking your teeth out, and he’s not here tonight. Step outside.”

“Stop it,” Pippa says. “All of you. Terence, leave.”

To my astonishment, Terence gives a mocking bow and heads for the door, clearly fearing the brothers. Not ten feet away, a blonde appears from a narrow corridor, taking his arm.

“Sorry to make you wait, love. There was a line to the ladies’ room.”

Pippa spares the pair one glance, but in the split second it takes for her to register that Terence and the blonde are a couple, the fire leaves her eyes. Discreetly, I squeeze her hand. She squeezes back then takes a deep breath, turning to her brothers.

“What the hell is wrong with all of you?”

“What do you mean?” Blake asks.

“Terence is a jerk,” Logan adds unhelpfully.

“Now you're overbearing, brother,” Pippa tells him. Turning to her two other brothers, she adds, “And you two, don’t piss me off. I can’t put the Terence episode behind me if every time we meet him, someone causes a scene.”

“Why are you mad at us? He was rude to you,” Daniel says. Next to him, Blake still has his hands fisted.

“I can handle myself.” She pulls herself to her full—and quite impressive—height. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Nadine here is my favorite person tonight, so I’d prefer to spend the evening in her company. The rest of you can do whatever you want, away from us.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance