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Which is why I should stay away from her. Ava’s the only close friend Nadine has here. Knowing my family, this means they’ll embrace her wholeheartedly, and include her in family events. If I were to date her, things would become complicated fast. I only do temporary, and that wouldn’t be fair to her. I have a hunch that Nadine has had enough complications in her life; she doesn’t deserve one more. I want her to feel happy here.

“Well, it was nice of you to offer to help her with the real estate agent,” Pippa says. “The agent is Alex, right? I bet he’ll ask her out.”

Thinking about Alex makes my blood boil. He’s a great agent, yes, but he’s a dick to women. He won’t lay his paws on Nadine; I’ll see to that. Damn it. I have no business being territorial with her. She’s not mine. But that doesn’t mean I’ll let anyone take advantage of her.

“I’ll make sure Alex won’t attempt anything.” That’s why I offered to go with her to meet him. If I’m honest, I also wanted an excuse to see her again soon. Which goes right against my plan to keep my distance. Way to go, Bennett. . .

“How chivalrous of you.” Pippa smiles smugly as the waiter brings the round of drinks we ordered. After he leaves, my sister tells me, “Nadine also plans to sell very sexy lingerie in her shop in addition to evening dresses.”

I spit out my wine. “Now, why would you tell me that, Pippa?”

She grins devilishly. “So you can let your imagination run wild. If you dated her, maybe she’d even give you a private show.”

Women in sexy lingerie are my kryptonite, but Pippa has no business knowing that. I don’t share these details with my sisters. One of my dear brothers ratted me out. My money’s on Blake, one of my four younger brothers. That bastard.

I swallow hard. “She wouldn’t.”

“Yes,” Pippa says triumphantly while Alice clinks a glass with her.

“What’s going on?” I ask, dumbfounded when even Sebastian laughs.

“You’ve fallen right into Pippa’s trap,” he explains.

“You admitted you’d like her to give you a private show,” Pippa says.

“I have blood running through my veins, Pippa. And I’m a man.” I drop my head in my hands. Team Logan: 0. Team traitorous Bennetts: 1. These girls will be my undoing. “You could’ve given me a warning,” I tell Sebastian.

“Why? It’s so much more fun seeing you fall right into their trap.”

I raise my eyebrows, and Sebastian holds his palms up in defeat. “I didn’t have a hand in this. But I’m enjoying the outcome.”

“You’ll pay for this, brother,” I warn him. Alice and Pippa grin. Just by looking at my sisters, I can tell they won’t give up their matchmaking plan.

I’m definitely a dead man.

Chapter Three


I wake up at seven o’clock on Monday, even though we’re meeting the realtor at eleven. Logan and I exchanged numbers on Friday at dinner, and Saturday he texted to inform me his friend Alex can meet us today. I’m so excited I can’t lie down for another minute. For years, I’ve been planning, researching, and saving for my dream. Things are about to get real with this meeting, and it’s nerve-wracking.

At eight o’clock, my phone chirps. My stomach somersaults when I realize who the sender is.

Logan: Big day. Ready for it?

A huge smile spreads on my face as I type back.

Nadine: Yesssss. Absolutely! I can’t wait!!!!!!

Logan: I swear I can feel your energy through the phone.

My smile is out of control now. I might’ve overdone it with the exclamation marks, but I am so damn excited.

Nadine: Any tips for the meeting?

Logan: Nah, just bring your smile. It’s beautiful.

Oh, my. This man is a charmer, and I love it. Taking a deep breath, I remind myself that he’s off-limits, and reply as professionally as possible.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance