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Logan narrows his eyes. “That wasn’t the word I expected.”

Massaging my temples, I calculate a few things. “Even with this roadblock and his lie, this is still the best deal I can find. The location is excellent and...”

“Fine, keep the location,” Logan hisses through gritted teeth. “I can still make the asshole sorry.”

“I’ll give him a piece of my mind when I see him. Please, don’t get involved, okay? I can handle this.”

Logan still shoots daggers with his eyes, but I hold his gaze until he nods. “I know this is a setback.”

“Setback” is an elegant way of saying I’m screwed. Depending on what caused the rotting in the first place, and how far the damage extends, this will delay my ability to open the store for a few weeks, if not a month, even with Logan helping. That means another month where I only have costs with the rent and no revenue. One step forward, two back. Story of my life. Can’t catch a break. If there’s an asshole within a hundred-mile radius, I’ll find him and let him scam me. I might as well take this as the warning sign it is: I should concentrate on my business one hundred percent.

“I’ll be all right” is all I say out loud. “I always am, eventually. I’ll figure something out.” Like how to survive on even less money.

“We’ll figure something out together, okay?” Cupping my cheeks, he kisses my forehead. “Let’s go home now.”

“I really should sleep at my place tonight. I don’t have anything to change into for tomorrow.”

“We’ll go to your place so you can pack some things, and then we’ll go to my apartment, okay? Nadine, let me take care of you. I don’t want you to be alone. Besides, I still have a challenge to fulfill. I must remind you why you’re sore. Can’t very well do that if we’re not in the same place. Or do I have to use the ‘extra sleep’ card again?”

I laugh. “Great. Now you have an even stronger card than extra sleep. Extra sex.”

Two thoughts war within me. One is that I should keep my distance from him, go back to my apartment, and draft out a fight plan for the next few months, taking this setback into account. The other thought is that I can’t possibly face being alone in my crappy apartment when the alternative is spending the night with this amazing man. Under Logan’s stubborn gaze, the second trail of thought wins. I’ll stop overanalyzing this and just enjoy it, for however long it lasts.

“Let’s go.”


We take a short trip to my apartment. I intend only to grab clothes for tomorrow, but Logan makes me pack for several days.

Once we return to his apartment, he instructs, “Go into the bedroom and strip.”

“Well, that was straightforward.” I can’t help smiling the entire time I undress in his bedroom. I expect him to burst inside any minute now. Instead, he tells me to step out of the room and come in the bathroom. Sex in the tub. That sounds very appealing. Opening the door to the bathroom, I can’t believe my eyes. There’s a bubble bath waiting for us.

“I prepared a hot bath for you.” He emphasizes the word you, while his eyes travel hungrily up and down my body. “Relax in it while I make you dinner.”

“Logan, I... Wow.”

“Told you I’d take care of you.”

Feeling my eyes beginning to sting, I turn around, pretending to concentrate on the bathtub. I’m used to taking care of others, not the other way around. Logan’s setting the bar pretty high for any man who’ll come after him.

When I slip inside, I relax almost instantly.

“This is perfect.” I sink deeper in the water, watching Logan. His hair is wet, and he smells of mint shampoo or shower gel. “This could even make me forget that I’m only having you to myself for half a day tomorrow.”

“I can—”

“Don’t you even dare mention canceling on your parents.”

He said that he usually visits his parents on Sunday afternoons, and I don’t want him to change that for me. “Now, go and leave me alone. You’re disturbing my relaxation juju.”

He smiles. “Fine.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to join me?” I ask seductively.

“Nope. I’ll get my share of you later. I’d like to make it to the bed with you this time around.” He winks before leaving.

I enjoy the bubbles and wonder if I’m making a mistake by spending time with Logan. He’s wonderful, of course, but my track record with men is proof that I should thread carefully. Should I stay over today too? I run my hands over my thighs, remembering how he made love to me. This man is talented in bed—or, well, in the shower. The things he made me experience were out of this world. He’s a true charmer out of bed too. He’s slowly winning me over—helping me, making me laugh, and spoiling me. Oh, what the heck. Why should it be a mistake to give in to a man who treats me like a princess? I can let him rock my world, even if it’s just temporary.

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance