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“I’m half-naked. You’re not.”

I lick my lips. “Lucky me.”

“Let’s get some of this dust off you.”

Before I realize what’s going on, Logan disappears in the back, returning with a glass full of water. He picks up one of the brand new brushes, and dips it in the glass. I follow his movements as he grabs my hand, turning it wrist up. Logan runs the soaked brush over my skin in one light touch. The patch of skin between my legs slickens instantly, and I involuntarily press my thighs together.

“Oh.” The word slips past my lips in a moan. How can one simple swipe turn me on like this? As if it’s the most natural thing in the world, Logan pushes my shirt up until my strapless bra is visible. Tugging with his teeth on his lower lip, his hand pushes it downward until my breasts spill free. His Adam’s apple dips low in his throat as his eyes lock on my girls.

“You really are very talented with just one hand,” I say.

“Thought you needed some cleaning here too.” His voice is rough. God, we’re both so turned on, it’s a miracle we can see straight anymore. When Logan touches one of my nipples with the brush, I see stars in front of my eyes.

“My nipples are especially dirty, huh?” I manage to ask.

“Especially.” His breath catches as I dip my fingers in the water then torture him, running my hand all over his chest, descending lower and lower until I reach the fly of his pants. Logan’s nostrils flare, as if he’s having trouble breathing. His eyes are locked on my breasts.

“Now what?” I inquire.

“Now, back to work,” he says.

The bastard. Why does he have to be such a tease? I’ll have my revenge.

We work for another three hours before I give in. Every muscle in my body hurts from the exertion, not to mention sexual frustration. Facing the paper-covered windows, I tilt my head to the right then to the left, squaring my shoulders in an attempt to relieve some of the tension.

“Tense much?” Logan whispers in my ear, startling me. I hadn’t heard him come up behind me.

“Mmm. A little.”

He presses his fingers on my spine, pushing them farther up. The second they slide from my shirt onto my bare skin, I shudder. Before long, both his hands massage the base of my neck and shoulders. They are rough and callused—all man, yet at the same time, they glide effortlessly against my skin. He presses on the exact pain points as if he has a degree in massaging.

“This is good. Oh, Logan.”

“Stop those sounds, Nadine.” His voice is equal parts desire and torment.

“Why?” I ask.

He groans in my ear, and it’s the sexiest sound I’ve heard all day. Involuntarily, I flatten my back against his chest, and my hips follow. That’s when I feel his hard-on against my ass. Logan drops his hands from my shoulders, wrapping me in his arms. I still.

“Because I was planning on taking you out to dinner then making love to you at home, in an actual bed. I’ve clung to that thought all day. It was a good plan.” He drops his head in the crook of my neck, his hot, labored breaths singeing my skin. I’ve never felt more wanted.

At the same time, I’ve never felt safer. I had no idea a man could awaken both feelings inside me, much less at the same time, but Logan is unlike any man I’ve ever met. “You know what the best thing about plans and rules are?”

“What?” I’m shocked to discover I’m trembling in his arms. It’s more of a light shiver, but it’s impossible to miss.

“Breaking them.”

Logan flips me around, pressing his lips on mine. I grin against his mouth, before giving in to his kiss.

“Let’s move to the shower,” he says after we pull apart. For a few seconds I’m confused, still lost in the bliss of the kiss. Then I understand—there’s a small shower in the shop’s bathroom. I’m planning to eventually remove it since it’ll have no use for my buyers. But for now, for Logan and me, it’ll have an excellent use.

I nod fervently. “Let’s go.” My fingers tremble and, when he takes my hand, I notice his do the same. We both have so much sexual tension bottled up, we’re charging the air around us. Once inside the small bathroom, it becomes unbearable.

“I want to see you naked, Nadine.”

We take each other’s clothes off in one minute flat until I remain in only my thong. The sight of his muscular body takes my breath away. I’m too turned on even to talk, but he isn’t.

“You’re so sexy.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance