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I appreciate her nonjudgmental tone. “Many people view this as a corporation. I see it as a family business. A big one, it’s true. But there you have it; I’m not the core of the company. My whole family is.”

There it is again, that vulnerable look in her eyes. I want nothing more than to wipe it away with a kiss and a hug, but I stay put.

“So basically, you built up this company to make sure your family is well taken care of. You are the most interesting man I’ve met.” The sincerity in her words catches me off guard. Oh, I’ve heard this sentence from women before. It usually comes after I give them an expensive gift, not after I talk about my family. “I can’t wait for the show in two weeks.” Her eyes light up with excitement.

“Maybe I’ll go too this time.” Seeing her curiosity, I want to go, if only to watch her experience everything. “Got enough material for your marketing campaign?”

“This isn’t just about the campaign. You’re fascinating. I could hear you talk all day.”

“Careful there, don’t feed my ego. I’ve been told it’s oversize already.”

“I’m sure that’s true, but you might be one of the few men who deserve that ego.”

“Actually, Logan’s the one with the big ego. He likes to tell everyone he’s the nice brother. Don’t believe him.”

She tilts her head to one side. “Tell me more.”

“Enough about me. Tell me about yourself.”

“Pffft, my story isn’t nearly as interesting as yours.”

I lean forward. “I think you’re interesting.”

In fact, I think she’s very interesting. I chuckle, remembering Logan saying he got so bored at his last date he wanted to poke his eyes out. Blake refers to such dates as so boring I couldn’t even get it up.

Well, judging by the stirring in my boxers, that’s not the case here. Of course, the nipples almost showing through her shirt also contribute to that. I had a glimpse of them when she unbuttoned her suit jacket. Imagining how puckered they must be drives me crazy. Her reaction to me tells me exactly the kind of effect I have on her. A lovely blush spreads on her neck. Smiling, I lean back to give her some space. “Do you have siblings?”

“No, I was an only child. My mom died when I was in college.”

“Sorry to hear that. How about your dad?”

“Never met him. He took off before I was born.”

My jaw ticks. I detest men like him. Switching to a safe topic, I say, “Tell me about New York.”

“I’ve lived there since I was born, but I don’t see too much of it lately. I’m always somewhere else with clients. Singapore, Sydney, San Francisco.” She pauses, frowning. “I wonder if they sign me up to clients based on the letter the city starts with.”

“Do you like traveling? I find it exhausting.”

“I love it. It’s a lot of work, but I manage to squeeze in plenty of sightseeing. Can’t wait to explore. Believe it or not, I’ve never been to California.”

“I can show you around.” My words surprise both of us. I haven’t had time for such things in years. More accurately, I didn’t make time, but her enthusiasm is catchy. I like how carefree she makes me feel. I haven’t felt this way since I was working at my parents’ ranch, before I took it upon myself to take care of my family.

A grin flickers on her face. “I might take you up on that.”

“I’ll make sure you do.”

As we leave the restaurant, I notice her flexing her neck. “You look tense.”

“I wrapped up the last project in Sydney five days ago. My boss didn’t let me take a few days off. I was assigned directly to this project.”

“I promise not to go too hard on you in the first days.”

Her pupils dilate, and I swallow hard. Well, you know you’re on a slippery road when you start making involuntary innuendos. The valet brings the car and as I open the door, the words slip out. “Are you seeing someone?”

“You’re technically not allowed to ask me that.”

“Of course, I can. I’m the most interesting man you know. Don’t I get a hall pass at invading your private space?”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance