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“Don’t tell me you’re self-conscious of your body.”

“I’m not. . . mostly.” In a whisper, I add, “My hips could be smaller.”

“They are fantastic. I especially like how they grind against me when we make love.” Sebastian lets go of me, and I turn around to protest, but before I even open my mouth, he holds up his hand.

“I want you to dance for me,” he says.

“You mean like a striptease?”

“You’re wearing a robe. That’d be an awfully short striptease. I meant dancing as in dancing. Like in the office.”

Crossing my arms over my chest, I shoot him a look. “I’m not dancing in front of you.”

“You did it yesterday.”

“I didn’t know you were watching.”

“Come on, you don’t have to be self-conscious in front of me. Your dancing is fun.”

“I was having fun,” I admit, putting my glass of orange juice on the table. “Okay, I’ll do it, but you’ll dance with me.”

Sebastian fetches his smartphone. My hips take over as the music starts. Before I know it, Sebastian has yanked down my robe.

“Naked dancing,” I say appreciatively. “Now we’re talking.”

“I love how smooth you feel.” He touches my pubis lightly, electrifying me. Abruptly, he pulls his hand back.

When Sebastian starts dancing, I shriek, a fit of laughter overtaking me. “Oh, now I know why you like my dancing. You suck even more than I do. I can’t believe there’s something you’re not good at.”

He pulls me to him, encircling my waist, half-walking, half-dancing with me toward the couch. We must look ridiculous, but I love this. “I can do something else very well.”

“Please do.”

He lowers me onto the soft leather and climbs on top of me. “I could stay with you inside this apartment forever.” He caresses my lips, then leans in and kisses me senseless.

/> Chapter Twenty


Forever lasts until Monday. I insist on Sebastian driving alone to work after he drops me off at my apartment.

When I arrive at the office, I have this dopey grin again. It grows wider during my presentation with Sebastian and Logan, even though we both act professionally. By the look on Logan’s face, it’s obvious he knows about us. I manage to convince both of them to go forward with my suppliers for the show, so I spend the rest of the morning on the phone, trying to convince said suppliers to take us on. Most of them put up a good fight because they’re already solidly booked. By the time I’m done, I’m exhausted enough that my enamored-puppy-grin has faded somewhat. It returns in full force during the meeting with the marketing team in the afternoon, because Sebastian attends it. I might come across a bit maniacal. I love my job, but no one in their right mind can believe that talking about suppliers and deadlines makes me that enthusiastic.

On Tuesday, the tables turn. I’m talking total overhaul here.

The nastiest cold I’ve had in a long time keeps me from getting out of the bed. My eyes water and my forehead burns. I barely manage to send Sebastian a text, announcing that I’m too sick to work, before collapsing in a coma-like sleep.

When I come to my senses again, I don’t feel much better. I’ve soaked my pillow and nightgown, and the inside of my mouth feels like gum.

I sneeze as I try to sit up, so I give up on the endeavor, lying back down. Then I hear a voice. With the greatest effort, I push myself up on my elbows, trying to peer through the open door into the main room. At first, I don’t see anything; but then I notice Sebastian as he paces back and forth, his phone plastered to his ear. Noticing me, he mutters something into the phone, and then yanks it away.

“You’re up,” Sebastian says.

“Barely.” I turn to one side and catch my reflection in the wardrobe mirror. I look as horrible as I feel. “What are you doing here, Sebastian? Go away,” I mumble, pulling my pillow over my head. “I don’t want you to see me like this.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I’ll stay here and take care of you.” He sits at the edge of the bed, holding a cup in his hands. “Here, sit up and drink this tea. You look adorable with your red, puffy nose.”

“You’re a CEO.” I pull my covers up to my chin, because I’m shivering all of a sudden. “Go do CEO stuff.”

Tags: Layla Hagen The Bennett Family Romance