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“I love you, too,” she breathed as he found his rhythm, rocking against her, filling her up with every thrust. “I love you so much, Alex.”

He bucked his hips, driving more of himself into her, groaning with the kind of pleasure that made her rock up to meet him, her stomach clenching and her whole body hot.

“Tell me,” she gasped suddenly, looking up into the face that was so familiar now, so beloved. “Tell me you want me.”

Alex looked down at her, his eyes smoldering with the same hot desire she could feel burning under her own skin. “I want you.” He growled the words low in his throat, his hand leaving her hip to trail down below her navel, below her waist until his fingers buried themselves between her thighs and found what they were looking for.

“I want you, Jamie,” he said as his fingers rubbed, flicking back and forth over the little nub of her pleasure, making her choke out his name, past the need tight in her throat.

“I want you,” he said again, fingers moving faster and faster, encouraged by Jamie’s keening moans, by the rocking of her hips. “I want you, Jamie. I want you.”

She sucked in her breath sharply, his name falling from her tongue. His fingers were still on her, building pressure and the longing, aching need. She was rocking against him faster and faster, couldn’t stop if she had wanted to, couldn’t think anymore.

“I want you, Jamie,” he said, low and urgent. “I need you. I love you.”

“Oh please,” she moaned, her whole body warm and aching, so much pressure building, and she was so close. So close. “Oh please, oh please.”

Alex thrust himself further into her, and she writhed and rocked into that perfect sensation, bodies tied together and rocking and needing. Pleasure shocked through her, burning along her nerves, and Jamie exploded with it, crying out his name again as she came.

“Jamie—” Her name on Alex’s lips, a low grown of pleasure and need, and every muscle in his body was suddenly as taut as a string about to snap. He shuddered suddenly, gasped, and followed her over.

He slumped over her, both of them breathing heavily.

“Alex…” Even saying that much seemed like a huge effort.

Alex shifted his weight just enough that he wasn’t leaning it all on her, and she could feel his heart pounding against his ribs, a rhythm to match the frantic beat of her own. He draped an arm over her and pressed up against her side. Neither of them spoke while their hearts and their breathing slowed.

“Is it just me,” Alex said finally, “or are we really good at this?”

Jamie laughed. “No,” she said, “I think we’re really good at this.”

“Glad to know I’m not imagining it, then,” he said, laughing with her, his hand reaching up to slide through her hair. “The more in love we are, the better the sex is, I think.”

“Well, then, it’s no wonder that the sex is so amazing.”

His mouth found hers, and the kiss was slow, and sweet, and perfect.

“Just think,” Jamie said when they separated again. “When you’re not working twelve hours a day, we can do this a lot more often.”

“I’m going to be looking forward to that,” Alex answered, “and to more time with the peanuts. They’re growing up so fast. I don’t want to miss it.”

He shifted, then, moving up the bed so that he could pull the blankets down, and Jamie crawled up beside him.

“You’re not going to miss it,” she said, settling down with her head on his chest and listening to the slow, steady beat of his heart in the dark. “You’re going to be here for every bit of it.”

His arm wrapped around her, holding her close. “I am,” he promised. “Always, Jamie. I’m not going anywhere.”

Chapter 17

“Big day today, isn’t it?” Zander said cheerfully as Alex stepped out onto his floor.

Alex smiled at the man who was going to be taking some of the work that he had finally been persuaded to delegate. He hadn’t been entirely sure, when he’d decided to promote him, how Zander would do with a more front and center place in the company when the other man had always seemed to work best behind the scenes, but the choice had proved to be a good one; Zander had been nothing but a help since the promotion.

“I’m not sure it’s really that much of an event,” Alex said. “But I have to say that I’m actually looking forward to going home at a decent time tonight.”

It surprised him, actually, how much he was looking forward to it. Not that he didn’t want to go home and spend time with Jamie and the twins, but Reid Enterprises had been the most important thing in his life until he met Jamie, and even after he hadn’t been sure that he wanted to give up the huge part it played. Or the part he played in it. He’d wondered if, when the day came, he would resent having to turn some of his company over to the hands of someone else. Now that it was here, he was finding that he was just glad to know that he would get back home at a reasonable time, that Jamie would be happy, and that he’d have more hours in the day to spend with his children instead of sitting behind a desk.

“More power to you,” Zander said, and Alex lifted his hand in a brief wave before ducking into his own office.

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance