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"Sounds divine." She turned and walked to the door. "How much longer do we have Kristen? Did she say?"

"I think another couple of weeks. After the drama yesterday, I just steered clear of her. I think she was waiting for me to blow a gasket, and I would have with my brother but not with one of my employees. Just didn't seem right." He shrugged and sat down in his chair. "You look good today, baby. I'm sorry for all the drama in the paper. I'll take care of it."

"Or I can?" She paused by the door, studying him and loving what she saw. He needed rest, but he was strong man, capable of holding a lot on his broad shoulders. For some reason, the realization of that made her only want him more.

"No. You deal with working through the interviewees for the position out front. I'll deal with the paper and the lawyers." He turned his attention from her. "Come get me at six and make me leave with you."

"That's not an easy task. I'd rather deal with the paper." She chuckled as he glanced up.

"Just tell me no sex for a week if I don't get up and leave then." He smirked.

"That's a punishment for us both. Not happening, mister." She opened the door and walked out, pausing to close it and then turning to Kristen. "Everything’s fine. Are those résumés on my desk?"

"Yes. Is he upset with me about yesterday? He didn't say much, but I know the he has a ton going on. I worry about him sometimes." She stood up and shrugged. "What can I do to help? I feel so useless."

"You're doing great. I promise. He just takes on a lot, and there isn't much we can do but keep doing our jobs and supporting him when he needs it." Jamie turned to see Paul walking in from the elevator. "I'll catch up with you later."

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything." Kristen sat down as Jamie turned and caught up with Paul.

"Hey, you." She elbowed him.

"Hey." He glanced over at her, but didn't give any clues to his mood. He was expressionless, and his voice completely deadpan.

"You okay after the drama yesterday?" She stopped by her office, and was glad that he stopped as well.

He turned to face her and shrugged. "I didn't know that Mark was seeing Kristen a few weeks back. No one told me that. I'd have been subtler with my attention if I had."

"Did he tell you that before the fight?" Jamie leaned into her office and turned on the light.

"Yeah. He was angry over some project work, which he had every right to be. I was dragging my ass, and I'm glad he called me out on the floor for it, but the stuff over Kristen didn't have to escalate to that degree. I wouldn't have pushed his buttons at all on something like that." He shrugged once again. "I'm going to get started. Sorry if it disrupted the day."

"Shit happens. Get over it. Mark already has, I promise."

"Yeah, I hope so. I like the guy a lot. We were just starting to become good buds." Paul turned and walked to his office, leaving her standing there with a million things that she wanted to say, but none of them seemed quite appropriate. It would be between Paul and Mark to work out all the shit they were struggling over, namely Kristen.

The sound of someone being less than pleasant caught Jamie's attention, and she let out a short sigh before stepping into her office and setting her stuff down. Christine.

"Really? I can't just have one damn day this week without drama?" Jamie walked out into the hallway and stopped at the opening to the lobby, catching her sister's attention. "Come on back here and stop causing a scene in front of everyone."

"I wouldn't have to cause a scene if you'd answer your damn phone," Christine barked and moved up beside Jamie as they walked back to her office.

"I didn't see that you called, and lower your voice or I swear I'm going to drop you to the ground and sit on you like I did when we were kids." Jamie closed the door to her office behind her sister and walked to the window, not wanting to sit down. They weren't going to talk long, and the chance of it being pleasant at all was slim.

"I want you to stay away from my husband. This is me asking nicely." Christine pressed her hands to her narrow hips and narrowed her eyes a little. "I'm serious."

"What?" Jamie gawked at her sister. Was this chick for real? "What are you talking about? Your piece of shit husband submitted lies about me to a national newspaper and said he had sex tapes, Chris. If he has that tape, which he’d better not, then he got it illegally by recording us while we were dating."

"I don't want to hear about the glory days, Jamie. I'm serious. All he talks about is you. It's getting old. At first it was just him mentioning from time to time that he wished I could fuck like you, or take a dick like you." She reached up and brushed a tear from her cheek. "I'm not you, and I'll never be."

"Nor would you want to be." Jamie walked to her desk and plopped down in her chair. The idea that Stephen was even thinking about how she used to work him in the bedroom was sickening to think about. He'd promised her his heart, but it was a lie. All of it. He was a damn lie.

"I'm not here to talk about your pitiful life as the soon-to-be-wife of a billionaire. I'm here to tell you that you’d better back the fuck up, or I'm going to make your life miserable."

Jamie came out of her stupor and smirked. "Oh yeah? And please do tell me what you're going to do. How could you possibly make my life more miserable than Stephen's already working to do?"

"I'll figure something out. He's mine. You have your own man. Stay the hell away from mine." Christine had tears running down her face as she pointed a finger a Jamie, and shook with what looked like barely-contained rage.

"I've not gone near him since I was at the house for Christmas, and I didn't see him then. Remember? I was with you the whole time, trying to make you feel better. You've lost your mind. Get out and don't come here again. I'll see you in court when Alex and I sue him for what he's done, unless you're not coming that day."

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance