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"Alex." She caught it, jogged down the field in front of them, and turned. "I love him. I wish I didn't this morning, but I do."

She shocked herself by the confession, but Mark had quickly put himself in her path as a trusted and decent friend. He'd been so open and forthcoming about his divorce and financial struggles. Plus, if she were going to convince Alex that he belonged with her, she would need some help.

"I think the feeling is mutual. He didn't shut up about you all night last night. He probably mentioned you another thirty times in the hour we were together this morning." He lifted his hands. "Give me your best throw. Let's see what I'm up against."

“I have no idea how to throw this thing.”

“Put you hand near the end and line your fingers up between the laces. Just drill it and let your wrist flick. It’ll do it naturally. A few tries and you’ll get some spin on the ball.”

She chucked the ball hard. It looked perfect as it flew. It sailed above Mark's head, but he jumped and caught it in midair. He laughed and threw it back.

"Wow. For a girl, you've got a great arm."

"For a girl?" She lifted her eyebrow in challenge.

"If you weren't my brother's, I'd probably tackle you just for the look on your pretty face." He slapped his hands together. "Again."

"I'm not your brother’s, but I want to be. I'm just not sure how to go about getting him. It seemed like everything was fine until this shit with Annette came up."

"Was it? Seemed to me like you guys were struggling out at Dad's house last week. Did he know about the possible baby then?"

"No. I guess not." She shrugged and chucked the ball back. "New subject: What's going on with you and the divorce?"

"Oh, I see how it is. We're moving from your heartbreak to mine?"

"Much safer for me. I'm a good comforter, but sufferer? I suck at that job." She turned at her middle, stretching her back and loosening up.

"I'm meeting with my attorney on Tuesday. I leave tonight so that I can get all my ducks in a row." He shrugged and tossed the ball back. "I'll just be glad when it's over."

"And you're sure this is what you want?"

"Yes. My relationship with Paula has gotten so far off the course we first charted that we're just hurting each other now."

"Dump the old bitch." Alex walked up, surprising them both.

"What the hell?” Marked grinned, clearly happy to see his brother. “You done already?" Mark drilled the ball to Alex, catching him off-guard.

A single hand reached out and caught the ball like it was nothing. "Yeah." Alex glanced at Jamie, his eyes running down the length of her. "I take one morning off from watching you two, and you're out here playing with each other. Unbelievable." His words were condemning, but, by the look on his handsome face, he was just kidding.

"Gotta fill my days with someone's company, Mr. Work-a-holic." Jamie winked and lifted her hands to show him she wanted the ball. "Let's see if you have stamina like your brother."

"Oh, no, she didn't," Mark laughed loudly as Alex's eyes narrowed.


e drilled the ball at her, causing her to have to turn and run to try to catch up with it. She jumped and barely wrapped her hands around it before rolling onto the ground. Alex was on top of her the minute she hit the ground, his landing a little rough, but worth the pain.

"Fill your day with someone's company?" He held her tightly as she laid on her side, laughing.

"Yes. You're far too busy with drama." She grinned up at him as his body hardened against her hip. "No sex for you, by the way. I've decided that I'll go with your need to be on a break, and use you when I'm needy, but no sex until I feel the need." She spoke only loud enough so he could hear.

His eyebrow lifted sharply. "Why do I feel like this is about to turn into the most seductive game of my life?"

"Because it is." She moved up and brushed her lips by his. "I hate that you're going through this crap. I'm going to teach you a valuable lesson, though."

He moved up and tagged her shoulder, forcing her onto her back as he pressed himself against the front of her.

She wiggled a little to see over him. Mark was gone. Smart man.

Tags: Lexy Timms Managing the Bosses Billionaire Romance