“Good. I’ve got zip ties in the shop. I know you probably want to question him, but shoot the bastard if he wakes up before I’m back.”

“Yes, sir.”

Beau headed into the closest building and returned a few seconds later, zip ties in hand. We bound the man’s arms behind his back and his ankles together.

I was thankful for Beau’s strength. I would’ve had a hell of a time dragging the guy inside on my own. I could’ve done it if I’d needed to, but it was nice that Beau could just throw the man over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

We took him into the workshop, and I pulled a chair out from behind a desk. Beau set the man down in it. I cut the ties that bound his ankles and used new ones to bind them to the chair.

When I was done, I looked up at Beau. “As much as I’d love to work this bastard over, I know people who are much better at getting information than I am. Right now, I’d probably just kill him. He touched your car.” Beau stared at me, wide-eyed. “Don’t tell me I’ve shocked your delicate sensibilities.”

He snorted. “No, I was just thinking this aggressive version of you is just as hot as when you’re on your knees for me.”

“I aim to please.”

“Make your call. I’ll get some rope and secure him to the chair.”

I called Lance while Beau wrapped a rope around the man’s arms and chest securing him to the back of the chair, then he pried the man’s mouth open in order to gag him. If we were going to leave him here so my family could extract what they could from him, we couldn’t have him making a lot of noise.

While I waited for Lance to answer, I took a better look at the bastard’s face. Shit, he had to be a Landry. There was too much resemblance between him and Clark and Charles, the Landry twins who’d fucked up their family’s attempt to bring us down. He must be a cousin whose involvement in their business wasn’t significant, so we hadn’t bothered tracking him. Why was he here? How was he involved in this?

Fuck. I knew the answer.

“Elandra,” I said just as Lance answered.

“What?” Lance and Beau said at the same time.

I held up my finger to Beau while I told Lance what had happened and what we needed.

“I’ll have someone there ASAP. I’ll send Dax and whoever he wants to bring along with him. You and Beau should go back to Remington’s house.”

“But Remy will be back tomorrow.”

“Not until the early afternoon. You need to be somewhere safe, and I’m sending the guards back to watch over you. I don’t care what you say.”

“I’m fine with that.” I welcomed the help with Beau in danger.

“Now explain what you meant when I answered. Were you talking about Elandra Landry?”

“Yes. Beau is listening too. I’m going to put you on speaker and explain the background to him.”

“Fine, just get on with it,” Lance insisted. I heard Tony chattering. He was probably sitting on Lance’s shoulder as usual.

I looked at Beau. “Elandra was married to Timon Landry.”

“The head of their family?” Beau asked, and I nodded in confirmation.

“I think she is Guidry’s backer.”

“Who’s Guidry?” Lance asked.

“An asshole who has it in for Beau and some of his old friends, including Ambrose. Word is he’s working for someone who wants to take down our whole family.”

“And you didn’t bother telling me this before?” Lance asked.

“Until last night, we didn’t realize it was a widespread problem.”

“Corbin, you can’t—”

“Corbin is doing a damn fine job of handling this,” Beau said. “He caught the guy that might have the answers we need. I was damn impressed with his skills.”

Lance chuckled. “I bet you were.”

“I’m serious,” Beau growled. “He can handle this.”

“I guess we’ll figure that out tomorrow. I’ll let Remington know we need a family meeting as soon as he’s back.”

“And that will mean he’ll take over, and I won’t be able to do anything.”

Beau raised his brows and glared at me. He was trying to tell me something. Oh shit. I was responding to Lance the way I used to, like a whiny brat who wanted to get his way. That didn’t work.

“I’m taking the lead on this. My man has been targeted, and I’m the one this was brought to by the other parties involved. I’ll be at the meeting, and I’ll be leading it.”

“Corbin, you need to—”

“I need to learn how to take charge, so that’s what I’m doing.”

Lance huffed. “Tomorrow is sure as fuck going to be interesting.”

I had no doubt about that.

I gave Lance more details about Guidry and what had happened. I could tell he wasn’t feeling any more charitable toward me when he realized the extent of what I knew. Maybe he understood how I felt all the time.

Tags: Silvia Violet Romance