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“They’re okay,” I assure her. “And so are you.”

“Yeah. Maybe waffles will help.”

“I guarantee it.” I kiss her forehead and then lift her to her feet.

“Why are you up so early? You were exhausted last night.”

“I slept like a log. I always get up early.”

“If you make me waffles on the regular, I suppose I can live with the fact that you’re a morning person.”

“You’re so considerate.”

“I know.” She takes a deep breath, and leans over and kisses my shoulder. “Thanks for being here.”

“You’re welcome.”

Chapter 7


“Should I start a real fire so I can put it out?”

I gape down at Kevin and then squat next to him, making him look me in the eyes.

“No. Absolutely not. You’re a pretend fireman because it’s Halloween. You’re not a real one, do you understand me?”

“Yeah.” He looks down in disappointment. “But, someday, I want to be a real fireman like Uncle Sam.”

“I know you do.” I kiss his little head and then turn back to Kelsey, who’s been admiring her cowgirl outfit in the mirror. “I think we’re almost ready to go to the fire hall.”

“Are we gonna go twick or tweating?” Kelsey asks as she hugs her hobbyhorse to her and kisses its cheek.

“Yes, after we go to the fire hall to see Uncle Sam.” I fluff her hair one more time, loving the way the spiral curls bounce back into place. “And we had a deal that you each get to eat one piece of candy tonight. You have to save the rest for later, right?”

“Can we have one at the hall and one when we get home?” Kevin asks, always the negotiator.

“We’ll see. Get your hats on and let’s go.”

Once in the car, the kids are excited. They talk about the candy they’re going to get and how they like their costumes.

I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Today has been stressful. I wanted Halloween to be special for the kids, the way their mom always made it. This was the first thing that Monica didn’t have planned in advance, so we had to come up with costumes and décor and everything.

My best friend was more than organized. The woman had lists for her lists. She planned way ahead. But she knew that the kids would grow and change their minds about what they wanted to be for the holiday.

I had no blueprint to use for this.

And I didn’t want to screw it up.

So, I’ve been worried all day. But their happy giggles and excitement helps to calm me down, just a little.

“There’re a lot of people here,” I murmur as I search for a parking spot. Every year, the fire department hosts a trunk or treat, a safe place for kids to come and get candy, see the trucks, and spend time with the firemen.

Kevin has been beside himself with excitement. He’s all about the firemen life these days, thanks to the many hours Sam spends with him, telling the boy all about his job.

I love listening in. Sam doesn’t speak to the kids like they’re just silly children. He treats them like people.

“Stay with me,” I warn them as we all get out of the car. “Take my hands.”

They flank me, each taking a hand, and we walk into the hall. It’s a cacophony of sound and movement. Little Ninja Turtles and Disney princesses run around, carrying bags and making all the noise in the world.

“You’re here,” Sam says with an excited grin and holds out his arms for hugs from the twins. “I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“I’m Kelsey,” the little girl says with a giggle. “I’m a cowgirl.”

“The prettiest cowgirl I’ve ever seen.” Sam kisses her cheek and then looks around as if he can’t see Kevin. “Where’s your brother?”

“I’m right here,” Kevin says with a laugh.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I just thought you were one of my work buddies.” Sam winks at me. “You guys look great. Did Auntie Tash help you get ready?”

“Yeah.” Kelsey thrusts her horse in Sam’s face. “Kiss Spwinkles.”

“Who’s Sprinkles?”

“My horse.”

“Oh. Right.” Sam kisses the horse, then stands and pulls me against him. “Now I’d like to kiss you.”

“This is hardly the place or time.” I narrow my eyes at him, but he just grins and plants his lips on my cheek.

“Later, I’m going to do all kinds of things that are completely inappropriate for an audience.”

He pulls back and winks at me, then turns back to the kids.

“Who wants to see the firetrucks?”

“Me,” the twins say in unison, and I watch as Sam leads them away.

“Here you are.” Fallon joins me and smiles as her daughter hurries to catch up with Kevin and Kelsey. “Sorry, we ran into traffic.”

I frown at her. “In Cunningham Falls?”

“Got stuck behind a tractor on the highway.”

“Ah.” I nod knowingly. “Yeah, been there. Is Isha a puppy?”

Tags: Kristen Proby Heroes of Big Sky Romance