Page 17 of Say You're Mine

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“Hey.” He grabs my hand, and I can feel the train already coming to a stop.

“Guess we should get going.” I force a smile. If there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s pretending that everything is fine when it’s not. He doesn’t say anything for a long moment and finally nods.

“Yeah. We should.” He tosses the bag over his shoulder, never letting go of my hand. People crowd in the walkway, trying to get off the train as he leads us through it.

“I’m so excited, I’ve never been to America,” the girl standing behind me says. “Have you and your dad been here before?”

“Husband,” he corrects her, and mine and the girl’s eyes widen. Before I can say anything, he’s pulling on my hand to follow him off the train. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

“Where to, Daddy?” I tease.

“Knock it off.” He keeps pulling me, but I swear I see something flash in his eyes. It’s the same hunger I saw in them last night. Did he like me calling him that?

“Slow down. My legs are half the size of yours, and now that I’m off the train I realize I’m a bit sore all over.” He actually slows his steps for me and then squeezes my hand.

“Need me to carry you?” I think he’s teasing, but he suddenly stops.

“I can walk!” I shout as he reaches for me. After a second he nods, and we start moving again. “Where are we going?”

“We need a car.”

“I’m guessing since you said need and not have, we’re stealing one?” He grunts his response.

“Can I at least use the bathroom?” I ask, not knowing how long we’ll be on the road.

“Fine.” He doesn't seem happy about it, but he leads me over to one of the restrooms in the train station. “Make it quick.”

“Yep,” I say as I see him doing the same on the other side.

After I use the stall I go over to the sink and wash my hands.

“Iris.” I jerk my head up, and in the mirror I see there’s a big man standing behind me. “Your father sent me.” He grabs my arm and starts to pull me out of the bathroom. “We need to hurry.”

“But wait, I think there’s a big misunderstanding.” I try and twist free as he pulls me along, but it’s no use. His grip on me turns painful, and I cry out. “Let’s talk about this like rational adults.”

He stops walking and finally looks down at me. “This will be easier,” he says, and my eyes widen when I see a syringe in his hand.

Who the hell did my father send to rescue me?

Chapter Ten


The needle goes in her arm the second I walk into the bathroom, and rage like I’ve never felt hits me. It’s a match on top of gasoline, and my vision turns red as I lunge for the man holding her.

Iris falls hard to the ground as my fist lands in the attacker’s face. He grunts as I feel his knee connect with my ribs, and a sharp pain goes through my chest. How the fuck did they find us? I was so careful, but there must be more at play here than even I realize. Otherwise why would they be so desperate to get her back?

My other fist rains down the attacker’s back as he doubles over and falls to the cement floor. He makes a soft moan and then he’s out cold. I’m in motion to grab Iris and get the fuck out of here when three more guys come running in.

“Get the girl,” one of them barks, and I move in front of her limp body on the floor.

I can’t think about what they gave Iris and if she’s okay. I have to focus on getting her someplace safe first.

“Try it and those will be your last words,” I hiss through clenched teeth as I crack my neck.

It’s been a long time since I had to use all my strength, and right now I’m thankful for all my years of training. My body is big, but I’m quick as the first guy rushes me.

My feet are planted solidly on the ground, so when he connects, I grab him by the back of the neck and lift him off the ground. Without hesitating, I slam him back on the concrete and use my boot to crack his jaw. The sound echoes in the space, and I hold my fist up, ready for the next one.

The last two guys come at me at once, and I kick out, nailing one square in the chest. He goes flying backwards against the concrete wall while I use my elbow to knock out the other guy’s front teeth. He screams like a little boy as I spin around and finish him off with the heel of my boot. My promise for those to be his last words will be true as he drinks out of a straw for the rest of his life.

Tags: Alexa Riley Erotic