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I’m up and trailing behind her faster than I’ve ever moved in my life.

I may not get to keep her long, but while I have her, I’m going to make the most of it.



I wake up the next morning thoroughly exhausted and sore in places I didn’t know could be sore. I’m completely wrapped in Tate’s arms, and I wish I could stay here, but after everything I put the crew through yesterday, I have to be on time today. I slowly disentangle myself from him and go across the house to the guest bathroom to get ready. I probably should have brought my car here yesterday but didn’t even think about it. I don’t think I’ve driven my car one time since I parked it when I got into town. But at most, the walk into downtown will only be twenty-five minutes. Thirty max.

Once I’m ready, I put my bag by the front door and tiptoe back toward Tate’s room. I don’t dare kiss him bye. I don’t want to wake him. He barely got any sleep either, and I don’t want to be the reason he misses out on more.

I look at him closely. He’s hugging the pillow that I just left. The sheet has dipped down around his waist, and I admire his body. How anyone could think Tate’s not good enough is beyond me. He’s everything I would want in a man. I would give anything to stay here in Whiskey Run with him... anything. But he didn’t ask, and all the time we talked and learned about each other last night, he never mentioned the future, and neither did I.

Regardless, I know this isn’t goodbye. I’m not going to be able to just leave Whiskey Run and never see him again. As soon as taping is done today, I’m going to hunt him down back at the shop.

I pull my phone from my pocket and take a picture of him sleeping before I turn and walk toward the front of the house. I grab my bag and take off walking, thinking of Tate and last night the whole way.


She left.

That’s the first thought I have when I wake up. Somehow I just know she’s not in the house anymore. But that doesn’t stop me from running room to room to find her. I had told myself I would enjoy last night... that one night would be enough. But it wasn’t. Not nearly enough.

I pull on my clothes and run out the front door. She took her bag... there’s nothing that she left behind... only her scent that is still permeating my pillow and my skin from where I held her all night. I make it downtown in record time and jog down to the square. They’re already filming, and I pace on the side as they are taking pictures and shooting video. She’s holding hands again with the same guy from yesterday. I hate it... I hate seeing her smile at him, I hate him having his arm around her... but I can’t look away.

I know she sees me and is probably wondering what I’m doing here. I have the same clothes I had on yesterday... and even though I showered last night, I’m sure I smell of motor oil and sweat. But I’m not going home to change clothes. I’m not taking my eyes off Lakelyn until I get to talk to her.

I stand on the side for what seems like hours but in fact is only twenty-five minutes. As soon as they take a break, Lakelyn is striding toward me. I hadn’t thought about what I’m going to say, but when she gets close enough, I say the one thing that comes to mind. “You could be pregnant.”

She jogs the rest of the way and grabs on to my hands. “Shhh... what are you trying to do, tell the whole town we had sex last night?”

I shake my head. “I don’t care who knows it... what if you’re pregnant?”

“I’m not... I have bad periods. I’m on the pill.” She whispers again, pulling me further away.

“Those things aren’t foolproof. It could still happen... What if you’re pregnant?”

She shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t know what you want me to say here, Tate. I’ll tell you if I’m pregnant... I wouldn’t keep that kind of thing from you or anything.”

I nod heavily, somewhat reassured but still not happy. “I hate that I didn’t get to wake up with you in my arms this morning.”

I pull her close to me and search her eyes. Her hands go up my stomach and lie softly on my chest. “I woke up in your arms.”

I blink hard and ask her, “Did you like it?”

She nods. She doesn’t say anything, but it’s enough. “I thought that one night would be enough. That I could let you go, but I can’t, Lakelyn. I’m not going to interfere with your dreams or ask you to move to a small town or anything... but I want to see more of you. I don’t want this to end... not yet.”

Tags: Hope Ford Whiskey Run Romance