Page 6 of Playing Doctor

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"A cardiologist? Isn't that a heart doctor?"

"It is."

"So, it is my heart?"

"Yes and no… I am pretty sure it's Viral Pericarditis. The thin membrane that surrounds your heart is inflamed. I'm not sure what the underlying cause of it is yet though, which is why I want to do the bloodwork and have Dr. West come in and take a look at you. If it is what I think, he'll get you set up as his patient and you'll be in his hands after this."

"Is he… is he a good doctor?"

"Dr. West is one of the best. You'll be in great hands," Dr. Song assured her. "So, as I am sure you've figured out by now, you're going to be here for a few days—"

"Days?" Aurelia interjected, her eyes widening. "I can't stay here for days, I have work—"

"Work is going to have to wait. You'll be here at minimum forty-eight hours, at most, well maybe a week?"

"A week?" Aurelia squeaked.

"Depends on how well you follow doctor's orders." Dr. Song grinned. "I'll have Kristi come in and take your blood, and then you can call down and order some dinner. They start serving at around five. I'm not going to restrict your diet just yet, not until I see what's going on with your bloodwork, then we'll talk. I think Dr. West will be here by seven and I'll consult with him."

"Okay," Aurelia agreed meekly.

Once Dr. Song left, Aurelia turned on the tv, trying to relax. Her mind was racing as she tried to figure out what it meant that the sac around her heart was inflamed. What could they do about that? Did she need surgery? Dr. Song hadn't really given her an specifics. Of course, she hadn't asked for any either.

A curly haired brunette entered the room in bright green scrubs and a toothy smile. "Hi, I'm Kristi, I'm going to be the nurse on duty tonight. Dr. Song asked me to draw some blood and then I'll get you a menu so you can order some dinner."

Aurelia smiled. "Okay, thank you."

"I hear Dr. West is going to be visiting you?"


"Oh, you're going to like him." Her eyes twinkled as she prepped the equipment she needed. She tied an orange latex band around Aurelia's arm and then swabbed the area at the bend of her elbow with alcohol. "You're going to feel a little pinch…" And she jabbed the needle into place and attached a vial. "I have to fill four of these."

Aurelia nodded again, wincing as the needle shifted a little.

"There we go, all finished." She pulled the needle from her arm and put a cotton ball over the wound. A second later she added a bandage. "Leave that on for about thirty minutes, then you can take it off." She picked up the vials and the equipment and set them aside, then pulled out a menu from a drawer. "Dr. Song said you didn't have any restrictions, so you can order from the full menu. I'd stay away from any of the pasta dishes though if I were you. It's just not the best. Everything else is good though."

Aurelia glanced at the menu. It had a fairly good variety and if she had to stay in the hospital, at least she'd eat well. Well, she hoped she would anyway. "Grilled chicken any good?"

"Yes, it's pretty good, juicy, not dry." Kristi nodded. "Okay, do you need anything else before I get these to the lab?"

Aurelia shook her head. "No, thank you though."

"Well, if you need me, just hit that blue button on your bed frame, it calls the nurses' desk, and you can reach me or one of the assistants there."

"Thank you."

"Sure." Kristi smiled and left the room, pulling the door mostly closed behind her.

Aurelia picked up the phone and called the number on the menu. She placed her order and gave them her hospital room number. They promised to have it up to her within forty-five minutes. She'd just turned up the tv and settled back to watch a rerun of Jeopardy when someone knocked on her door.

"Come in?" she called.

A blonde head poked between the door and the frame. "Hey, you up for visitors?"

Aurelia pushed herself up in her bed. "Oh! Hi, um… how did you know where I was? I mean what room? I mean—"

Ms. Hoffman laughed. "My brother is a doctor here. I had him check on your status. He told me where to find you."

"Oh. I'm glad. I'm so sorry about this, Ms. Hoffman, I—"

"Calm down, Aurelia, before you actually do have a heart attack," she chuckled, "and please, call me Sarah. Okay?" She came over, picked up Aurelia's clothing and purse, set them on the sofa on the far side of the room then sat down in the recliner next to the bed. She put a gift bag on the bed next to Aurelia's hip. "Here."

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance