Page 35 of Playing Doctor

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Aurelia frowned, but she wasn't going to complain. Kelly was right, the pain was strong, and she was near tears. Her breathing was shallow, and she felt like she was going to pass out again.

"Ms. Carson?"

"Sit down Lia, I'll answer for you," Kelly said and then told the nurse everything that was going on.

"Right, lets do a bp check and get you into a bed. I'll give your doctor a call, who are you seeing again?"

"Dr. McHottie," Kelly supplied.

"Who? Oh," the nurse laughed, "you must mean Dr. West, no one would mistake Dr. Calburton as a McHottie."

"Yeah, that's him." Kelly grinned.

"I'll call him, see what he wants to do."


Aurelia felt superfluous to the conversation, so she just worked on her breathing to keep from passing out. She sat while the nurse took her blood pressure and temp. Both were higher than normal. The nurse gave her a gown to put on and then settled her in a bed for the moment. Twenty minutes later, they took her up to a room.

"Okay, so Dr. West said he'll come by in the morning to check on you, so looks like you're staying the night. One of the floor nurses will be in soon to get you a menu. He said to wait to give you a sleeping pill until later."

Aurelia nodded. "Thank you."

Kelly dropped into the seat next to her. "I'm not going to be able to stay. Last time Bella flipped out with me being gone all night. I had Mrs. Henderson check on her and let her out, but yeah, she destroyed my living room, ripped pillows everywhere."

"Oh no, you never said." Aurelia's eyes widened and then the pain spiked and stole her breath.

"And that is why I kept it from you, dang it. You have to stop stressing, Lia. You know what? Let's get the restraining order, okay?" She pulled out her phone and started dialing.

"Who are you calling? I don't think we're supposed to use our cell phones in here…"

"Oh, right. Okay, just a sec." She stopped and picked up the hospital phone and started dialing again.

"Who?" Aurelia gasped out.

"A friend of mine at the police precinct. He'll get us to where we need to be." She paused and held up a finger. "Hey, Mike? Yeah, it's Kelly. I know, it's been a while, sorry, but I have a friend who needs to get an emergency restraining order against her ex-boyfriend who is threatening and harassing her. She's really sick and he's making it worse. Yeah, okay. She's in a hospital bed at the moment, and having a little trouble speaking, but let me see, one sec."

"What?" Aurelia said, looking at the phone Kelly was trying to hand to her.

"It's Officer Mike Castellanos, he's going to take down the information and get started on the paperwork for you."

"Oh." Aurelia took the phone and started answering the officer's questions. She told him about what had happened in Portland, the investigator and the harassing phone call and the Facebook posts. She told him everything she'd done to try to protect herself from him, but how after the last call she'd ended up in the hospital.

"Thank you, ma'am, I'll get this started. You might want to inform the hospital staff about this man and let them know he is to be given no information about you."

"Thank you, Officer." Aurelia hung up and glanced over at Kelly. "He thinks I need to tell the hospital about him, so he can't get any information on me."

"We'll ask your nurse when she or he comes in."

Aurelia nodded. She was starting to get hungry so she really hoped the nurse would come in soon. She and Kelly chatted for a little while, with Kelly doing her best to distract her and keep her mind off of Marcus.

"Aurelia Carson, I did not expect to see you back in here," the nurse said coming into the room.

Aurelia looked over and smiled. "Kristi, hi. Yeah, I was hoping I wouldn't be back either." She laughed.

"And you were here over the weekend too? What's going on?"

Aurelia gave her the rundown and asked how to keep Marcus from getting any information on her.

"Yeah, we can totally keep him away from you. I'll take care of it, get a call in to the information desk and security, oh, do you have a picture? Then they can be even more prepared."

Aurelia frowned. "I got rid of them all, but… can I get on my phone?"

"Well, for a minute won't hurt." Kristi smiled.

Aurelia pulled up Facebook and went to his page. She downloaded a picture of him and then turned her phone to Kristi. "This is him."

She nodded. "Here, send it to me." She held her phone to Aurelia's and she transferred the shot to her via Bluetooth. "Turn that off now, we don't want to get into trouble, do we." She grinned. "I'll get this down to security right after I get you hooked up to the IV and then you can order dinner." She looked over at Kelly. "Are you staying? You can order too."

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance