Page 32 of Playing Doctor

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"Yeah. And I know about the bastard ex and the investigator. He called her, made threats, that's how she ended up here, too much stress. Dr. Song got her calmed and gave her a sleeping pill, so she's asleep right now."

"Damn it. What kind of threats?"

"If she didn't go back to Portland with him, he'd give the evidence to your superior. But… I could be wrong, but if that investigator is still following her and trying to take pics of her, what evidence could he actually have? You know?"

Daniel sat down hard on his kitchen chair. "True. We need to get a hold of that investigator, but every time he sees me coming, he takes off. I can't even get close to him."

"Lia said the same. He followed her into a bar tonight with her co-worker Melissa. So, her stress levels were already elevated by the time the bastard called her. I have an idea though. He knows you, and he knows Lia, but he doesn't know me. I think we can trap him."


"I'm thinking Monday. Lia can go to work like normal, and I'll lay in wait for the guy outside her office, when I see him, I'll give you a call. You and I can corner him. Lia already told me what his car looks like, I'll get it disabled so he can't take off again and then we can corner him."

"You can disable his car?"

She laughed. "Ever seen Beverly Hills Cop? Banana in the tail pipe? I'll probably use a racquet ball though; a banana isn't actually enough to block it, and it has to be completely blocked for the car to stall."

Daniel laughed too; her idea was funny but do able. "Okay sounds like a good plan. I'll wait for the hospital to call me then before I head over."

"Sounds good. I'll be here with her, just so you know."

Daniel was glad to hear that she had someone with her. "Thank you, Ms. Southern, for being with her."

"Call me Kelly. We'll see you soon, hopefully."

"Let's hope so." He hung up and spent the rest of the night worrying.

He tried to go to sleep, but he kept picturing Aurelia going into cardiac arrest or some other crazy thing and he wasn't there by her side. It was killing him that he wasn't there. He tossed and turned for hours, then finally, at a little after seven, he got the call.

"Dr. West," he answered.

"Dr. West? It's Dr. Song, I'm calling because one of your patients came through the ER last night with chest pains, she's resting comfortably, but I thought you might want to take a look at her before I have her discharged."

"Which patient," Daniel asked.

"Oh, sorry, I should have mentioned. Aurelia Carson?"

"Oh, yes, I'm sorry to hear she's back in the hospital, she was doing so well with her treatment, do you know what brought on the pain?"

"I believe it was stress related. A phone call from a former romantic partner."

"I see. Have you run an EKG?"

"Not yet. We kept her for observation, and she is still here. I can have the tests run and have them ready for you to look at when you get here."

"Thank you. I appreciate it. I'll head on over there shortly."

"Okay, see you after a while."

Daniel hung up. Having talked to Dr. Song eased his mind some. He didn't want to rush over, knowing she was in good hands. It would look suspicious. Damn it, this was why there were rules against this kind of thing, but the woman had completely mesmerized him, and he had fallen for her hard. How he was going to keep his feelings off his face, he didn't know, but he knew he had to. If he didn't he'd be sunk and he'd not be able to practice medicine again for a long time if at all.

He finished eating his breakfast, brushed his teeth and then headed over to the hospital. He stopped in Dr. Bellamy's office, just to check in and let her know he was there, see if there was anything she needed him to do, but she was out of the office. He took his time making his way down to the ER where he knew Dr. Song was probably preparing to leave.

He found her in the locker room, putting her lab coat in the bin to be laundered. She looked exhausted, and he knew he couldn't keep her long.

"Dr. Song, I'm glad I caught you before you left."

"Dr. West." She shook his hand and smiled. "Did you get the chance to see Ms. Carson yet?"

"Not yet, thought I would get your thoughts first. How was she when she came in? What symptoms was she experiencing?"

She nodded. "Her neighbor brought her in, I believe she'd blacked out again, but she was awake and weak when she arrived. Severe chest pains, but as she rested for a bit, the pain subsided. I only kept her because I wanted to make sure she was getting sleep. We moved her up to the third floor."

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance