Page 22 of Playing Doctor

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"So, I know you told me a little bit about your mother, was it just the two of you growing up?"

Aurelia sighed and glanced up from her scone. "Would you mind very much if we don't talk about my mom? It's just this is the best date I've had in a really long time and I don't want to ruin it by talking about her." She bit her lip and looked across the table at him, like she feared he'd demand they talk about her mom.

Daniel smiled. "Of course, I completely understand. I was just trying to get to know you a little more, understand where you come from."

She smiled. "Well, how about we talk about college? Or friends we had while growing up? Or both?"

Daniel laughed. "Sounds good. Where did you go to school?"

Aurelia grinned. "Berkeley. How about you?"

"Started at New York State, then did my medical schooling at Columbia."

They chatted some more about college and moved on to various friendships and then Aurelia glanced at her phone and her eyes widened.

"What's wrong?" Daniel asked, concerned.

"We've been here for two hours and I have to go," she looked sad, "I could cancel, but it's my first visit with her and you did recommend I see her." She smiled.

Daniel chuckled. "Yes, you need to go. I'll get the check and walk you to the bus stop." He sighed. "I'd drive you if I could, you know that, right?"

Aurelia nodded. "Yeah. But seeing as her office is in the same building as your office, I don't think that's a good idea." She smiled and squeezed his fingers across the table.

"Come on, let's get you to the bus so you are on time for your appointment."

Daniel left a generous tip on the table and then headed to the cash register to pay for the coffee and scones. Once he was finished, he took Aurelia's hand and led her out of the coffee shop. Together they walked down the street toward the bus stop. He waited with her for the bus to show up and then kissed her cheek just before she climbed on.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, he waited for the bus to pull away from the curb. As it did, he pulled a hand from his pocket and waved at her. He turned on his heel and headed back down the street toward his car. As he slid into the driver's seat, he felt a pang of regret that she wasn't with him and he knew without a doubt that he really was falling for her and he knew she was feeling the same way.

"We are so screwed." He blew out a breath and started the car.

It didn't matter though. Complications or not, he wasn't going to give up seeing her and he certainly wasn't going to let her go see Dr. Calburton, the other cardiologist in her health network. The man was going on seventy-eight. He should have retired by now, but he refused. Daniel couldn't stand the man. He had once been a very good doctor, but over the past three years, Daniel'd had numerous patients switch to him because Calburton had said something inappropriate to them, or he had forgotten to mark something important on their charts, or he'd just flat out forgotten their appointments and didn't show up to his office. He always had an excuse for when it happened, but Daniel was sure the man was probably fighting Alzheimers, so he refused to switch Aurelia over to him.

He'd just have to keep their blooming relationship out of the public eye and pray that nobody would find out until well after he'd discharged her as his patient.

Chapter 10


"Hey, Kel, what's up?" Aurelia asked, answering her door.

"Can you watch Bella for me? I just took this assignment, but the job is out in San Francisco. I really hate to kennel her, but I will if you can't watch her."

"Of course, I will watch her, you know that," Aurelia replied, bending down to scoop Bella up in her arms. "Are you leaving right away?"

"I've got a ticket for the red-eye, and while I know you will, I don't want to take advantage, you know?" She grinned and then grabbed a bag from the porch. "Here's her stuff, I'll be back on Sunday."

"Okay, sounds good. I um… I have a date with Daniel on Friday…"

"Shut up!" Kelly grinned. "A real, honest to God, date? Not just a coffee across town?"

Aurelia blushed. "Yeah, we're going to a show."

"That's great, Lia! I want all the deets when I get back."

Aurelia laughed. "Yeah okay, but you know, this stays between us. Nobody can know he's dating me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, ethics, whatever. I am so happy for you! You deserve this." Kelly hugged her enthusiastically. "Okay," she bent down and cuddled Bella, "you be a good girl for Auntie Lia, Bella girl, Mommy will be back in a few days."

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance