Page 18 of Playing Doctor

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Sighing, Aurelia set the laptop aside and closed it. Maybe she just wasn't ready to share her story with any other doctors. Dr. McHottie was enough, and he was so sweet and understanding. Kind and gentle. He didn't judge her or find her at fault for the situation she'd been in. He'd seemed glad that she'd gotten herself out of the bad situation and was moving on with her life. Why couldn't one of those therapists looked like him?

Aurelia glanced at her front door as the doorbell sounded. She pushed herself up and went to answer it. As soon as she pulled the door open, Bella wiggled her way in, rubbing herself up against Aurelia and she laughed. "Hello to you too, Bella. Let me guess? You want a treat?"

Bella sat and looked up at her as she yipped.

Laughing, Aurelia glanced at Kelly. "Hi. Come on in before Bella decides I'm not moving fast enough." She grinned.

"She is so precocious, isn't she?" Kelly laughed. "Knows exactly how to get you to do what she wants," Kelly teased.

"Well, she is the most clever puppy in the whole wide world, aren't you, Bella?"

Bella's whole butt wagged as Aurelia held out a treat.

"So, now that Bella is taken care of," she giggled, "what brings you by?"

"Wondered if you were free for dinner?" Kelly asked. "I thought maybe I'd go to the store and pick up the fixings for shrimp tacos, and we could have a movie night, if you're up for it?"

"That sounds great. Maybe you can give me some advice too while we cook." Aurelia sighed as she bent down to scratch Bella's ears.

"Sure, want to talk now, or after I get back?"

"It can wait. Want me to go with, or do you want to leave Bella here with me?"

"You are supposed to be resting, Dr. McHottie's orders, right? So, you stay here with Bella and I'll be back in thirty minutes."

"Yeah, okay, if you're sure. Want me to chip in for the gro—"

"No. I got it. You can buy next time." Kelly grinned and gave her a wink. "Be back in a bit. Oh, any requests while I'm out? Anything you need?"

Aurelia thought about it but couldn't think of anything she needed right then. "No, I think I got it all on that last trip. Thanks though." She walked Kelly to the door. "I might be in the backyard with Bella when you get back, so just use your key, okay?"

"Sure." Kelly nodded and gave her a wave as she headed over to her driveway.

Locking the door, Aurelia called, "Bella, baby, wanna go play outside?"

Bella jumped at her knees, making her laugh.

"Well, come on then." She led the way to the back door, and they went outside. She picked up one of Bella's tennis balls and sat down in the patio chair. "Ready, Bella?" She held the ball up and then tossed it out into the yard for Bella to chase.

Bella took off, sprinting after the bouncing yellow ball on her tiny little legs. She finally got it and brought it back, dropping it in Aurelia's hand for her to throw again. They played like that for a good little while, until Bella was all tired out and jumped up in Aurelia's lap to rest for a bit. Aurelia closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the warm sunshine on her face. It was mid-spring, and the temperatures were just nice enough to enjoy being outside. Soon she'd have to break out the lawn mower and start trimming the grass. In fact, it was starting to get a little high now that she thought about it. Guess I'll have to mow sooner than I thought.

"It's good to see you're taking your doctor's advice and resting, Lia." Kelly's voice drifted through the sliding glass door.

Bella's head lifted and she hopped down, tearing off for the kitchen to greet Kelly.

Aurelia turned in her seat and grinned at her friend. "Yeah, it's pretty peaceful back here. Makes it easy to relax." She stood up and headed back to the kitchen too. She washed her hands and then clapped them together. "What can I do to help?"

"You can sit your ass down in that chair and relax." Kelly pointed the box of tacos at the kitchen table chairs.

"Come on, let me help. I can even chop tomatoes from the chair."

"Okay fine, you're on toppings duty, but you stay sitting." Kelly handed her the tomatoes, lettuce, avocado and peppers. "I'll get you a cutting board and a knife."

Sighing, Aurelia dropped into her seat as Kelly bustled about the kitchen like she owned it. She set a plastic cutting board on the table with a knife, along with bowls for the chopped ingredients.

"So, you wanted so advice?" she said as she prepped the shrimp.

"Oh. Yeah. So, Dr. West suggested that I start seeing a therapist."

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance