Page 39 of Afterburn

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Roxie had her Usher CD streaming through the sound system in the walls. It was annoying me—the CD itself was slamming but that day was all about football—but it was no more annoying than the loud ass chatter going on. There had to be at least forty people up in my place, but that was the way I’d envisioned it. Food, beer, football, a winning combination.

Some of my buddies had fine ass women with them, some of them had hood rats, and some showed up solo. It was all good. Felix shocked everyone by showing up alone. That was definitely a first. I teased him about it when I opened the door.

“Couldn’t find a date?” I teased.

Felix pushed past me and into the foyer. “Man, please! I can get any woman I want. I want to kick back and enjoy the game today.”

“Yeah right, man. Whatever!” I chuckled, following him into my living room.

Felix turned around and whispered in my ear so the others couldn’t hear him. “You know I’m always trolling for pussy. I’m about to troll for some up in here so I have something to do after the game.”

“Good luck. Every female in here is on lockdown except for Gina. Then again, since she’s a troll she might be the one for you. Oh, I forgot, she did turn you down. There goes your ‘I can get any woman I want’ theory.”

Felix fell out laughing. “Puddy is puddy, Yardley. Even troll pussy. One day you’ll grow up, son, and recognize that. If I really wanted Gina, she’d be riding me like it’s going out of style by the end of the night. She’s not my type.”

“Like I said, whatever, man!”

By halftime, the Redskins were up by ten points and I was in heaven. I’d managed to drown everyone and everything out except for my sixty-inch high-definition television.

“Yardley, telephone.” Gina tapped me on the shoulder and then handed me the cordless. If it wasn’t halftime, I wouldn’t have even taken the call.

“This is Yardley.”

“Yardley, you throw one hell of a football party, man!” a voice screamed into my ear.

It was my boy, Kurt. A friend from undergrad at Howard.

“Hey, and you know this, man! Only thing we need here now is you. What’s taking you so long?”

“I’m stuck in traffic, bro. I’m a few blocks away; enjoying the view at the moment.”

“Forget a view. Come check out the game. We have a ton of food and all the beer you can drink.” I wanted Kurt to hurry his ass up so I decided to embellish the truth somewhat. “Lots of fine honies up in here, too.”

“I can see that.” He chuckled into the phone. “Why didn’t you tell me you were throwing a freakfest? I would’ve brought a little sumptin’ sumptin’ with a tight ass along with me.”

He’d completely lost me. How could he possibly know what kind of women were lounging around my crib when he’d yet to step over the threshold?

“Kurt, what the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about the serious sex action taking place on your balcony, bro.” Kurt started panting in the phone. If I didn’t know better, he sounded like he was whacking off in his car. “Damnnnnnnnnnnnnn, he’s tearing that pussy up! Is that Felix?”

I scanned my place and didn’t see Felix anywhere. He’d been profiling on my leather sectional less than ten minutes earlier. I got up and started for the balcony, throwing the phone on the ottoman and leaving Kurt hanging on the other end.

“Yardley, you got any more chips?” Mike asked as I walked past him.

“Yeah, there’s some in the kitchen.”

I did a head count of the women on my way to the sliding glass doors. All ladies were present and accounted for except for one; my own.

I stepped out on the balcony and braced myself before I looked to the right. I gave a sigh of relief when no one was there. Kurt was trying to fuck with my mind. I was about to break out in laughter and then I heard the moans. I turned around.

“What the fuck is this?” I roared, seeing nothing but Felix’s ass muscles flexing as he worked his dick in and out of Roxie. “Roxie?”

Felix had been holding Roxie up spread eagle against the adobe brick but let her fall. She managed to prevent herself from toppling and pulled the bottom of her dress down. Her panties were flung over the railing. I was sick to my stomach.

“Yardley, I can explain, man.” Felix walked over to me and tried to lay his hand on my shoulder. I stepped back away from him. “We didn’t mean for this to happen. Not at all.”

“You say that shit now, Felix,” Roxie hissed, looking like the cat that swallowed the canary. She was actually enjoying being caught. What a tramp! “You’ve been after me for months. For that matter, you’ve been trying to fuck me since high school. Don’t front.”

Tags: Zane Erotic