Page 28 of Afterburn

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Then I ran a roster through my head of all the women I knew; wondering if there was someone I wanted to pay back for some dirt they had done to me. No one came to mind.

“Sorry, Conquesto, all the ones I know are already hooked up. Maybe Boom can hook you up with another one of her clients.”

I disappeared into the building, ready to break dance. The night was finally over. Part of me wanted to call Boom at home and lay her out; even though it was after midnight. She was probably out clubbing anyway. Besides, I had some skin scrubbing to do.

“That’s what you fucking get!” Chance squealed into the phone at me when I told her what had happened the next morning.

“Chance, it’s Sunday. No swearing on the Lord’s day.”

“Get off the religious tip. You haven’t been to church since we were fifteen.”

I finished rolling up the cord to my vacuum and placed it inside the linen closet. I’d been cleaning up all morning, paying extra special attention to my toilet. I yawned into the phone. I was truly exhausted.

“You’re right, Chance, and I’ve been thinking about that. We both need to start going back to church. This simply isn’t right.”

“You were never a steady in a pew. Why are you tripping now?”

“Quit! You know I used to go with you and your folks and your fifty-eleven siblings on a regular basis. Speaking of which, how is the Martinez clan?”

“Everything’s kosher. Ruiz decided to tie the knot again.”

“Damn, really?” I asked in dismay.

Ruiz had divorced his first wife, after he’d caught her cheating on him. I have to admit that I wasn’t torn up about it—after all he’d taken my virginity and then patted me on the head—but part of me had kind of hoped we’d end up together someday since he was single again. Good thing he was safely tucked away in another state or I would’ve definitely embarrassed myself by running after him. Chance’s parents and younger siblings came to visit her about twice a year but never stayed long because she had an efficiency and the decent hotels in D.C. were too pricey for them to swing more than a couple of nights.

“Now who’s swearing?” Chance asked sarcastically. She’d asked me a few times why I seemed so bitter toward Ruiz but I’d never confessed our little “boning episode” and never would.

“You’re right. My bad,” I stated calmly. “I’m emotionally torn up over this. You know I have a t

hing for Ruiz.”

“Yeah, me and the whole world.” Chance folded her arms in front of her.

“I guess I’ve been rather obvious about it, huh?” I chuckled. “It’s just that he’s so, so, so—”

“Rayne!” Chance exclaimed. “I’d rather not hear any sexy talk about my brother. That’s plain ole nasty. Besides, I know you. You’re trying to change the subject. Not working this time, chica.”

“You think you know me? I have more game than the Chicago Bulls.”

“And you’re full of more bullshit, too.”

“Okay, so I don’t want to discuss last night anymore.” I sighed. “I told you all the lurid details already. I’m going to plop down on the sofa and catch the Redskins game.”

“Who are they playing today?”

“Philly. Should be a hell of a game, too.”

Chance giggled. “You and your football. Who ever heard of a female football fanatic?”

“There are tons of women into football. even has a special section for women sports fans now.”

“Why do I get the distinct impression you’ve been there a time or two?”

I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. “Let me run, girl. See you at the bank tomorrow.”

“Later, Rayne.”

I went into my bedroom, got a king-sized pillow off my bed, came back into the living room, and laid down on the sofa. I reached for my Dallas Cowboys fleece throw. I watched the Skins but I was a Cowboy all the way when it came to the playoffs and the two teams squaring off. All I needed was that NFL Total Ticket, but the tenants association of my building had placed a ban on satellite dishes. I loved my apartment, but the love of football had me on the brink of considering home ownership. Then I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

Tags: Zane Erotic