Page 13 of Vengeance

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“Damn!” I yelled out as I reached a toe-curling climax. Then I sighed.

It was what it was and I needed to finish bathing and get dressed. It was only a matter of time before Diederik, Antonio, and Kagiso—my three bodyguards—who occupied the suites surrounding mine, would come to get me for the sound check. One of them was always stationed outside my door. Too many damn nuts in the world obsessed with celebrities. One usually stayed in the lobby at all times, by the elevator as well. I felt like that only drew unnecessary attention, but they insisted. There is a very high cost for fame that no one could ever comprehend until they find themselves in that position.

Kagiso was straight from the African bush. At least, I would tease him about that. In all actuality, he was six feet five inches of intelligence, brawn, and fineness. Dark as midnight, with skin softer than butter, these clear brown eyes, and a cleft in his chin that women found to be an instant panty wetter. He had a master’s in early childhood education that he had obtained after moving to the United States on a visa to go to school. Don’t ask! Imagine a man that size sitting in a circle with five-year-olds. He had done it, though, for an entire decade, before he decided to pursue something else.

Antonio was from East L.A., born and raised, jumped into a gang at twelve, arrested for the first time at thirteen, and tired of living in chaos by sixteen. He ran away to San Diego, hung tight for a couple of years, joined the navy, served his country, and went into private security. At six two, he was the shortest of my bodyguards but was thicker than a Snickers, with muscles rippling everywhere. He had sepia eyes, dimples, cinnamon skin, and he was bowlegged—an added bonus.

Diederik was Nordic and get this, six foot ten. Looked like a tree walking toward you. Spiked blond hair, ice-green eyes, and a gorgeous bone structure. He looked like “Suck my dick” spelled out.

Yeah, I had some sexy-ass motherfuckers protecting my life, but I had never technically messed around with any of them, nor would I ever do such a thing. I happened to know for a fact that they all needed lap bands on their dicks, though. Men like them needed to come with both a warning label and a disclaimer:

FUCK OR SUCK AT YOUR OWN RISK! This dick could possibly tilt your cervix, cause your clit to swell up like a balloon, and you may have to toss cups of soapy water at your pussy for several days afterward because it will be too sensitive to the touch.

Antonio actually tilted a broad’s cervix once when we were touring in France. She had the nerve to try to slap me with a $12 million lawsuit. I did not have a damn thing to do with her making the decision to tackle that python in his pants. That shit was on her. People will sue over any damn thing when you have money, even if you’ve never met them, or even laid eyes on them before. When I saw photos of the chick, my first inclination was to ask Antonio what the hell he was thinking in the first place. But the women in France can be aggressive, and it’s not like I expected them all to be celibate year-round before they had to guard me. It was certainly not a prerequisite. They were grown-ass men who did grown-ass things. They were all single and free to mingle, but I was damned if I would pay some floozy for giving it up willingly and getting hurt. The most I would offer someone is a bottle of Advil and my condolences on having a big-ass pussy for the remainder of her natural life.

I had thrown on a sexy little number of a dress and some pumps about fifteen minutes later and put on some makeup. I was not the type to use a stylist, hairdresser, and makeup artist around the clock; only when I was about to go onstage, do a photo shoot, interview, or whatnot. A lot of my counterparts went through all of that shit to walk out on the veranda to do Pilates. It was not that serious. However, I was not going to get caught looking like I just emerged from a cave, either, so I kept it simple and classy. I looked good as shit without makeup but did not feel like dealing with the drama from tabloids and ratchet websites looking for an opportunity to do a caption of me slipping.

The knock came at my door. I grabbed my purse and went to answer it before someone panicked and knocked it down. I was not riding in the bulletproof SUV with my guards, though. I had other plans, and they were about to find that out.

Chapter Two

Piece of Shit, you better start eating pussy better or I’m going to beat the crap out of you with my shoe!”

We were in the back of a limousine on the way to Philips Arena for my sound check. KAD—what I called my three bodyguards when I was referencing all three of them—was in the SUV following us.

This was not working. “Um, Piece of Shit, did you hear me? Eat your late lunch like a good little boy, eat it all up, or I’m going to take the heel of my shoe and ram it up your chunky, over-fucked ass!”

He stopped for a moment and looked up at me. That fucking did it!

“Did you just look at me? Did you just have the nerve to fucking look at me?”

He quickly looked back down and started eating again, but not before I slipped my right pump off and started beating and scratching up his bare back with the heel.

“Don’t you ever fucking look at me!” Whap! “I will fuck your ass up, literally!” Whap! “I’ll find some three-hundred-pound, elephantine-dick motherfucker and present your ass to him like it’s a chocolate-covered doughnut, you little bitch!”

Piece of Shit started going hard on the pussy then, slopping and slurping at it like it was his last meal on earth. If he kept fucking with me, it was about to be his most degrading day ever.

“That’s a good little pet. Much better,” I said, calming down some and feeling Thumper growing more excited. “Um, I’m about to come,” I announced. “Just keep eating. Lap it like an ice-cream cone on a hot summer day in the park.”

I could feel myself about to explode and let my eyes roll up in the back of my head when Piece of Shit started moaning. That snapped me back to reality.

“Did you just fucking moan?” I started hitting him again with my shoe. “You’re not allowed to get any pleasure from this, Piece of Shit!” Whap! “I better not find any semen in those tight little pink panties I have on you, either. I’ll cut your damn dick off!” Whap! “Stupid-ass prick!”

Even though the partition was up in the limo, and I had a throwback Eminem album blasting through the sound system, I was sure the driver could hear something. He had better keep his trap shut or I would crack his damn nuts open, too.

“You know what,” I hissed. “You make my ass sick. Stop eating pussy and suck on some titty for a while. You’re acting like a baby anyway, so get to suckling.” Whap!

Piece of Shit starting sucking like an infant within seconds—hungry ass.

I could see that we were turning into the back entrance at the arena and I was mad as shit. I hadn’t busted one yet. Fuck it! I used my other shoe—the one still connected to my foot—and kicked Piece of Shit in the ass, causing him to topple onto the floor of the limo and away from Glaze.

She looked at me in shock, like she had done something wrong. She was my decent pet. The one that I actually kind of liked, but I wasn’t taking any shit off her ass, either.

“It’s okay, Glaze,” I told her. “You did all right. Piece of Shit doesn’t know how to eat pussy right. I should’ve come by now.”

“Permission to p

ut my clothes on, Mistress?” Glaze asked.

Tags: Zane Erotic