Page 8 of Not Sorry

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But then I remember that I have to deal with Sean tomorrow, and I realize that tomorrow is going to be just as bad.



It’s eight o’clock sharp when I make my way into Parks Real Estate Office. It’s not early by anyone’s standards, but considering I own a company that operates mainly in the evenings, it’s early for me. I expect to see an office full of life as I walk through the office. Instead, I find a mostly empty office.

What the hell? Does no one come to work on time?

I keep walking toward Jamie’s office. I need to take some time to make it mine if I’m going to be working here for a year in Jamie’s place. I can only handle so many motivational quotes and hippie incense.

“Good morning, Sean,” a sweet voice says as I walk to my new office.

I stop to greet the person when I realize it’s Olive. I cock my head to the side as I look at her sitting behind her desk. She looks slightly more put together today than she did yesterday. Her long hair is a little more tamed but still frizzy. She’s wearing dark dress pants with dress boots that are much more appropriate for the weather and the office, but somehow, it disappoints me. I quite enjoyed looking at her bare legs yesterday. She looks put together, except when I study her further. Her eyes have the tiniest of bags underneath them. Her lips are stifling the need to yawn. She’s exhausted.

“Coming into work early isn’t going to win you any favors if you are exhausted and worthless to the team, especially when it’s clear that no one comes in this early,” I say.

“I’m sorry. I mean…” She shakes off her apology. “I always come in this early. I try to beat Jamie in, so I can make sure the coffee is ready and everything is ready for her. I’m always the first to show up and one of the last to leave. That’s who I am. I’m sorry if I seem a bit tired. I had a bit of a long night last night. Tomorrow, I’ll be better.”

I narrow my eyes at her and resist the urge to laugh at her ridiculous apology. I continue into my office without another word to her.

I begin moving the incense, candles, and pictures of Jamie and her boyfriend off the desk and put them on the floor to make room for my laptop on the desk. I fire it up and open my email. Over a hundred unread messages pop up with more coming in each second as I stare at the computer. Some are from my business, and some are from Jamie’s business. Either way, it looks like I’m going to be spending most of my day answering emails.

I really need to find a manager who can be me when I’m not here. I know Jamie doesn’t believe in managers, but she doesn’t get to complain about how I run the company if she isn’t here.

I decide to start with looking through the applicants for the management position that I sent out yesterd

ay. I said that all applications had to be in by noon today, so I expect most everyone who is interested in applying has already applied. Although I’m sure I’ll get a few stragglers today. Those who wait until today to send in their applications will get a mark against them. I need people who know what they want and are prepared for anything. Not someone who waits until the last minute.

I pull up the emails that are in reference to the position and am in shock when I see only five applications. Out of more than a hundred employees who work here, only five have applied so far. Hopefully, it’s the best five employees.

Did I not make it clear that the position would come with a huge raise?

Everyone should be fighting for the position, not unconcerned about it. Jamie really must have convinced these people that it’s better to be happy and have work-life balance than make money because this is not how normal people respond to the opportunity to make a lot more money.

I open the first email. It’s from Sandie. She has only one year of experience and is fresh out of college. Not what I’m looking for.

I open the second email from Melissa. Three years’ experience. Slightly better but still not what I want.

The third email is from Floyd. Seven years’ experience. He claims he brings in more commission than anyone else at the company. And he’s male, so he won’t distract me from what I need to be focused on. He sounds perfect.

I open the last two emails, and while I know I’ll interview all of them, my gut tells me that Floyd is my guy.

The first is more of the same. From Clay, who has limited experience.

The last email almost knocks me on my ass. It’s from Olive.

Maybe there is another Olive in the company? One who isn’t an incompetent assistant?

But, as I read the email, I know this is the Olive sitting right outside my office. The Olive who spilled coffee on me and apologized for kissing me. That was a first. Most women don’t apologize for kissing me. And that was the one thing she did right. If she would just kiss me every time she fucked up instead of apologizing, I would like her a lot more.

I begin reading the email from her.

To Sean Burrows,

I am writing to inform you that I would like to apply for the management position. As an assistant, I know I have limited qualifications, but I am loyal and have been an assistant here for almost five years.

I apologize for the initial meeting where I was late in picking you up from the airport, spilled coffee on you, and introduced you incorrectly, among other things. I know I did not make a great first impression, but I need this job. No one should still be an assistant when entering their thirties.

Tags: Ella Miles Erotic